Friday nonsense - page 10

At least you've written some nonsense. It's all a lot of off-topic.

Trying to stay within the topic.) but you get banned for flooding.

eh paternoster torra and bondage do not understand(((


I wish I did. Three grades at a parochial school isn't enough, and they're always poking me (...)

There's a lot of people here with math skills.

soon they will describe and mathematically describe human soul and prove it. they will use properties of soul and say what a great creation they created, but as mathematics is just a description, they will never be able to use fully the properties of soul. meanwhile a monk, who does not care about complicated mathematics, can formally understand and use properties of soul without expressions, unlike mathematicians.

What you have described (about mathematicians) is more like a sophism. :) You can use this ability to prove anything, even if it is not such and everything will look very plausible. :)

Personally, I think that if we live (mankind), we can find a way to decipher the human code so that we can read the accumulated information and transfer (write down) it either to the same biological grown object or to something mechanical-biological in general (only grown brains are enough for that). Or better yet, move completely into a robot by consciousness. That would be very interesting to me. :) After all, we are essentially our knowledge and life experience, and this is information (code, impulses). We are just a very complex molecular structure. :)

Funny branch, you can get a little delirious. :)

At least you've written some nonsense. It's all a lot of off-topic.

Oh, come on. What we are is bullshit, so basically anything we write or think or say is bullshit. :))))
The process is underway (c)
The process is underway (c)

Your phrase is the starting point. Let's go! :)

will earn as much as the casino owner if he has a stat advantage due to e.g. commission or spread. The others will have a random equity with negative mo (at the expense of the same commission). Because any strategy on a martingale will also result in a martingale. Mathematically proven - Dub's stoppage theorem

And if there are no commissions, it's in the 50/50 range. I still think the owner will make a profit. 1 out of 50 people will earn a lot, the rest will want to repeat and will sell out faster than they withdraw.

PS: Beer on Saturdays helps. Took an Asahi Japanese for the first time. It's a boozy lager. We'll have another drink tonight.


It's an infinite (by the standards and time constraints of technology in our world) process that will never reach its completion - the road to nowhere. for as you say code - will always be "more perfect" than those methods that describe it.

I think that earth (our world and earthly existence) is hell ("don't wait for the terrible judgement, it happens every day") or what people mean by it. because we can feel and experience everything that happens around us at the same time, but are deprived of full understanding of what happens and its insignificance (importance). at the end of life we can come closer to this understanding, but as they say through thorns. the answer to the question why all this is possible is obvious at a higher stage of understanding.

I think that whatever stage of development we are at, all of our "understanding" will only be an assumption. It is impossible to grasp the immensity. In general it is impossible to contain concepts of eternity and infinity, but somehow there is an understanding that such concepts exist. There are such notions, but we cannot understand them. This is nonsense! :)

I have found such a meaning in life for myself so far. It is limited, but it helps. The meaning of life is to answer one question: "What do I do next?" If I wake up and I know what to do next, I feel great. Well, or better yet, even falling asleep, knowing what to do next. Anyway, you have to know what to do next all the time and you'll be in a great... No, it's not always great, even if there's always an answer to that question. That's the way it is... Maybe without a bad mood (sometimes) there would be no "push", which helps you to move forward with renewed vigor, armed with the knowledge of what to do next. :)

P.S. And you know, by the way, that there is a name - Brad? :)


I forgot to add. look deeper. sometimes it may turn out that the delusion - detected by the first object in relation to the other, may be caused by the original delusion of the first object, and not the delusion of the second. )))))))

about sophism

Sophism (from Greek σόφισμα, "skill, cleverness, cunning, trickery, wisdom") is a false inference that nevertheless, on superficial examination, appears to be correct. A sophism is based on a deliberate, conscious violation of the rules of logic. This distinguishes it from paralogism and aporia, which may contain unintentional error, or have no logical errors at all, but lead to an obviously incorrect conclusion.

The key word in the distinguished-right. do you have this right-ideal- the truth unified for all, concerning which you allow yourself to draw categorical conclusions? I do not (rather it is, but it is only my personal). everyone has this right-unique, so sophism has nothing to do here for there is no single subject - concerning which there is sense and possibility to mislead.)))))))

Diving to the bottom. Reaching the bottom. But that is not enough. Perhaps one needs to dive (seep) beneath the bottom to fully understand. Yes, there is a worm in our world that misleads some people and thereby misleads others. You have now shown me this again, but it is not your fault. The bucket in which I have sent you my thought was most likely perforated and key particles that are important for complete understanding have been lost on the way to you. Good thing I discovered it in time (now) and pointed it out. But okay, what's next? Ah, here we are... But there you were mistaken or maybe this time your bucket was full of holes and I didn't understand what you meant to say to me with your question about categorical conclusions. I'm sorry, I've just been up for a long time and I'm a bit distracted. It happens. :) Just in case. I'm not jumping to categorical conclusions. I humbly dare to speculate. :)

1 - I agree that it is impossible to describe the diversity of the infinite spectrum of feelings with a set of only 5,6,7 (limited number) senses. but it is possible to feel it - to feel. this infinite spectrum is you - or its small particle, but with the same properties as it has. and if we cannot express and pharmalize it - it does not mean that it changes anything. when understanding comes to it at a higher level, the sense in wanting to express and describe it will disappear by itself.

I agree that it smacks of doom at this level of understanding, but having risen higher, everything will become clearer and will no longer even be a matter of belief or disbelief. for now, the question of why is still relevant and strong for me, but from a different perspective.

My spectrum of feelings tells me what I need to do to feel optimal. We don't choose what we do and what we think. We are only functions in the hands of nature. We do not belong to ourselves. Our bodies are given to us for a time. Our thoughts are the thoughts of nature. At a given moment in time, the dialogue between us is the inner dialogue of nature on the outer level, the creator, of what/who created us. In turn, on another level below, the same thing is happening. Perhaps what we know are the smallest particles to someone else are the stars. Our thoughts are the thoughts of those who live within us. Infinity is not only outside but also inside us. Because no matter who says what you want you will do and say what you think necessary. So somehow you know what to do next. You just know, that's all. You go with the flow. How do you know that? :)