Friday nonsense - page 6


I think it's a bit selfish to expect the end in "our" time. The earth has been around for billions of years. How are we better than the myriad creatures that have gone before us? What have we done to deserve a front row seat to the light spectacle?

Who should be first - why not us?
Who should be first - why not us.

First and last) I am not so sure of my being chosen, I am a simple man... Mathematics and the theory of probability allow us to live for now. Mankind, of course, has stepped a little further than the extinct mammoths and dinosaurs, but it is more likely to face self-destruction than a collision of galaxies, or the Mayan calendars. Humanity's greed and ambition could lead to a sad outcome, I agree.

First and last) I am not so sure of my being chosen, I am a simple man... Mathematics and the theory of probability allow us to live for the time being. Mankind has certainly stepped a little further than the extinct mammoths and dinosaurs, but it is more likely to face self-destruction than a collision of galaxies, or the Mayan calendars. Humanity's greed and ambition could lead to a sad outcome, I agree.
it's so long in time! the earth is going to crumble from old age.

A living example, bookmakers (I don't know how to spell the word at heart) offices, and you see everything and don't influence the kotirs.

Well, firstly, you don't have enough "power" to "read" or single-handedly "influence", and secondly, you have a lot of bad *arms, it's obvious even to the "naked" eye (no offence).

You have to work very hard on yourself to do that. And defeating "yourself" is harder than defeating an entire army of the enemy.

And then, don't forget that *acon kar* is not its own creation, i.e. there are other players out there as well, and everyone has their own thing on their mind.

Yes, and how do you know how you influence kotirs.

it's that long in time! The earth will get loosened up by old age.

We are just a blink in time the existence of the Earth, the solar system. Compare 4.54 billion years (and for all these billions of years anything could have happened to the Earth) and 100 years (what is the macsumption we are given unless medicine makes a breakthrough?). It is hard to believe in such luck or bad luck without believing in one's own importance and exceptionalism.

Alexei, you'd think the players (I mean us little ones) would have influence now :)

Or are you talking about the big ones?

Yeah, I forgot. It's not me, it's ratnasamb... Anyway, Dimitri is talking about some players who might have an influence.
Yeah, I forgot. It's not me, it's ratnasamb... Anyway, Dimitri is talking about some players who might have an influence.

Happy New Year!


Well, firstly, you don't have enough "power" to "read" or single-handedly "influence", and secondly, you have a lot of bad *arma, it's obvious even to the "naked" eye (no offence).

You have to work very hard on yourself to do that. And defeating "yourself" is harder than defeating an entire army of the enemy.

And then, don't forget that *acon kar* is not your own creation, i.e. there are other players out there as well, and everyone has their own thing on their mind.

Yes, and how do you know how you influence kotirs.

Oooh, I see, I see your bad karma. Ooh come cookies ))))

I don't give a shit about karma, karma affects people when they start to believe in it, and I don't, I've "died" a hundred times )


We are just a blink in time the existence of the Earth, the solar system. Compare 4.54 billion years (and for all these billions of years anything could have happened to the Earth) and 100 years (what is the maximum time available to us if medicine does not make a breakthrough?). It is hard to believe in such luck or bad luck without believing in one's own importance and exceptionalism.

In fact, on the contrary, 4 billion years is a mere blink of an eye compared to the time of our existence. It doesn't even lend itself to any comparison.

And our true selves have no limits to our existence, neither in the past nor in the future. That is, time does not exist for them.

tara: Happy New Year!

Yeah, happy New Year to you too, namesake! However, congratulations to everyone else, too, on the most soviet of holidays!