Friday nonsense - page 2


After him, there were already those that were tested in real conditions and showed a result of 1500% in a month, I gave the states.

Congratulations! Why? I do.

It's not real if you think about what the DCs are offering us, it's bullshit.

ZS: Don't tell me if you don't know how to work, don't mess around.


Congratulations! Why? I do.

No martin or averaging, a simple system, a signal to enter and a signal to exit.

no martin or averaging, simple system, signal to enter and signal to exit.

Beautiful. That's what we should strive for!

Bears. Where is the long-awaited revolution? Or is it a bummer again?

In work, all according to plan, but a little behind, well, as always )

The last time I was raving in the army, stoned on khimki trying to explain to a fellow soldier that I forget what I'm thinking about in that state and during my explanations I kept forgetting what I was talking about )))

And we, he was already demobbed, a sergeant came to the young and ... on behalf of the division commander granted him a 15-day leave, shook my hand, he did not understand shit, he said something out of order, one of the old asked in all seriousness - "Not ....................................... and me .............?", the sergeant also gave him leave, then the commander of the flying squadron was sent on leave, here it was already absolutely sad, well, according to the laws of the genre, the commander entered the barracks and ...practically at once was sent on leave.

They discharged him. Pity, he was good.


In work, all according to plan, but with a little lag, well, as always )

"Comrades, gevolution is cancelled, all bgoneviks are pgopit" )))
Do you people really believe in all these trading theories and all sorts of pseudo financial trading systems?
How about making a virtual exchange where the "quotient" is a cumulation of true random numbers (source, e.g. cosmic rays). There are no spreads (everything is random as it is...). Will the exchange holder make money or not? Here's what's interesting...
How about making a virtual exchange where the "quotient" is a cumulation of true random numbers (source, e.g. cosmic rays). There are no spreads (everything is random as it is...). Will the exchange holder make money or not? Here's what's interesting...

How will the quotire be random on the exchange?
How about making a virtual exchange where the "quotient" is a cumulation of true random numbers (source, e.g. cosmic rays). There are no spreads (everything is random as it is...). Will the exchange holder make money or not? Here's what's interesting...

What if the Americans were to land on the moon for real? )