Friday nonsense

Do you people really believe in all these trading theories and all sorts of pseudo financial trading systems?

I believe in "18" (c), it will lead our country out of the crisis

Synopsis *****

Delirium (lat. Delirium) is a set of ideas and beliefs, inferences that have not arisen from information from the outside world and not corrected by incoming new information (it does not matter whether the delusion corresponds to reality or not), a component of productive symptomatology in schizophrenia and other psychoses.

Do you people really believe in all these trading theories and all kinds of pseudo-financial trading systems?

They don't let you tradewith GRAALEM? They're cutting it?


Delusions are - Acute delirium, Interpretative, Primary, Primordial, Verbal, Hallucinatory, Secondary, Sensory

No friday, no (((.



Delusions are - Acute delirium, Interpretative, Primary, Primordial, Verbal, Hallucinatory, Secondary, Sensory

No friday, no (((.

Bears. Where is the long-awaited revolution? Or is it another bummer?


Delusions are - Acute delirium, Interpretative, Primary, Primordial, Verbal, Hallucinatory, Secondary, Sensory

No friday, no (((.

As it's Friday/Thirteenth, so today's Thirteenth is rolling.

What, they don't let you sell GRAALEM? Chopping?

When have graals ever been allowed to work?

I believe in "18" (c), it will lead our country out of the crisis

Synopsis *****

Delirium (lat. Delirium) is a set of ideas and beliefs, inferences that have not arisen from information from the outside world and not corrected by incoming new information (it does not matter whether the delusion corresponds to reality or not), a component of productive symptomatology in schizophrenia and other psychoses.

and I'm in the heel of the trinadtsotoyo.

And when have grails ever been allowed to work?

ALWAYS!!! :-) Cops next...

And these 'grail friends' do not need 'ideal' conditions, as you write about their need for their...



Delusions are - Acute delirium, Interpretative, Primary, Primordial, Verbal, Hallucinatory, Secondary, Sensory

No friday, no (((.

The last time I was raving in the army while stoned on khimki trying to explain to a fellow soldier that I forget what I'm thinking in such a state and during my explanations I kept forgetting what I was talking about )))

ALWAYS!!! :-) Cops next...

And these 'friends of the grail' do not need 'ideal' conditions, as you write about their need for yours...

after him there were already those that were tested in real conditions and showed a result of 1500% in a month, I gave the stats look for them.