[Archive] FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Consequences (Episode 11: January 2012) - page 77


...more on that point, please...
I can't, I'm off to my cousins' house for Christmas, it's holy night...

London, 06.01.12 - The planet is in for a staggering jump in oil prices if Iran does indeed prepare to close the Strait of Hormuz and go to war, says the British Guardian in an editorial.

http://forum.aforex.ru/profiles/blogs/6416071:BlogPost:29633 the whole article here

It is so creepy when these Americans will be killed.


A star was lit,
Christ is born
And the world is lighted up with love
May happiness come into your home
Happy merry Christmas!


London, 06.01.12 - The planet is in for a staggering jump in oil prices if Iran does indeed prepare to close the Strait of Hormuz and go to war, says the British Guardian in an editorial.

http://forum.aforex.ru/profiles/blogs/6416071:BlogPost:29633 the whole article here

It is so creepy when these Americans will be killed.

If there's a war, it'll be the kasher time.)
If there is a war, it will be the most kasher time)

There had better not be one...
If there is a war, it will be the most kasher time)

Yeah, we should get some more canned food.

Yeah, I need to buy some more canned food.
Do you know why you catch moose? because you see nothing but eurodollars around you ..... at least look at the dollar index, it's easier to see where it is going...go to 12620 ...forget about buying for now...
do you know why you're catching lots? because you don't see anything but the eurodollar ..... at least look at the dollar index, it's easier to see where it's going... 12620 coming ... forget buying for now ...

the price is going down ... everyone's grabbing the craps , we can't go without craps , i can't keep track of a lot of charts , my brain is too small , i can't keep track of them )))))

My warmest greetings
Merry Christmas to you all!
I sincerely wish you happiness
On this blessed hour!
♪ May the light shine down on you ♪
From the starry heights
And make your wishes come true
# And dreams and plans
♪ May unexpected good fortune ♪
¶ And may it excite your blood ¶
And of course it means a lot
Friendship and love!


Yeah, we should get some more canned goods.

Don't forget the ammo. The index is going up so far, but it won't be long, but it's too early to get into medium or long term buying on the Euro.