[Archive] FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Consequences (Episode 11: January 2012) - page 623

ok. there's an interesting film on the first one now... ......)))

the film is specific, for aficionados, not to my liking...

Thanks for the cheers...;)))




question!!! should we expect a pullback (or correction) due to the downgrade of eurozone countries???


Thanks, I'll keep this one just in case, but can we know the volumes beforehand so we don't have to guess? )))))))))

Sorry, but you can't know the future, so enjoy the present......

Sorry but it's impossible to know the future, so enjoy the present......

Who are you talking to, she's in Tokyo)))
Even if it's in Paraguay, I'm in a tank :)))))

question!!! should we expect a pullback (or correction) due to the downgrade of eurozone countries???

that's what I'm asking. will there even be a correction??? it feels like 1.365 on the elevator....)))
No fanaticism, guys, let's go down.
No fanaticism, guys, let's go down.


The arrow-direction? By the way, the pennant on the month turns out (undrawn). And the levels of 50% of the daily and 50% of the month coincide.

Maybe Mobile was worried that the price should go to 1.25.

I think we're going to go down, with a gap.... So how's it going? Who can see????