[Archive] FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Consequences (Episode 11: January 2012) - page 418


Friday continued to increase the volume on sales .

I'd like to remind thrill-seekers that it's the day to drink ))))) I personally closed everything and salted the salmon )))

Look at him, everyone salts Eura and you salmon. although.... I think the salmon is even tastier....

Look at him, everyone here is salting Eura and you're salmon. Although.... I think the salmon is even tastier....

Guys, the eura is not salty at this time and you will be sick by evening))))

Look at him, everyone here is salting the eura and you're salmon. Although.... i think the salmon is even tastier....

after a number of years of trading i've learned that the second half of friday is walking on a knife edge very often, one day it's lucky, the next day it's unlucky.

Pussy ... and the shorts are all covered ... Yesterday you could already see they were starting to warm up on sales.


I don't know, I'm not sure. It's saying it's going to go back down. Here's another signal added to the north!

There is a bullish divergence on m30 very strong - it's working out so far!

How sad is it that there are no people here?




pecking away at the horse ... Fuck the Euro... Buy grain futures. There is still no snow in Ukraine.

pecking away at the horse ... Fuck the euro... Buy grain futures. There is still no snow in Ukraine.
Brother, you're living a good life! Looks like it's a good week! ))
Do you think there will be a 1.28 on the day?


On a white bull rode away!))
My opinion - no well it is (Opa prompts) Although you see on m30 the divert was swallowed (it was strong) resistance is very strong should go down in theory !