[Archive] FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Consequences (Episode 11: January 2012) - page 348


Here's an example of working out the correct divergence...

two whole examples...

Can we have indicators like this?
Dubai Stock Exchange has been closing for a day now with normal stilettos ))) I wonder what they are doing there? )))

diva compilation

maybe something will come in handy for someone ...

Dude, that's awesome! )))
Can we have indicators like this?
Take the same stochastic and be happy - only this one works earlier and more accurately - if you make up for two years of going down this road, no problem.
the gut feeling on m30 is informing a downward move on n4 the upward move is still incomplete.
Take the same stochastic and be happy - only this one works earlier and more accurately - if you make up for two years of going for it, no problem.
Thank you!
I wonder how Mobile is doing.
I'm alive and well. I'm not freaking out. Let's see what New York has to say.
I wonder how Mobile is doing.

Or maybe he was buying all the time and messing with our heads? ))) Because this kind of masochism is beyond comprehension ))))
I'm alive and well. I'm not freaking out. Let's see what New York has to say.

Chicago. I'd run down a few dozen pips and buy)))