[Archive] FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Consequences (Episode 11: January 2012) - page 319

Salaam to all! Where has Dragona gone?

You have to know how to trade for it to be full, otherwise, if you get a lemon now, you'll sell it. You need to get used to a lot of money, too.)

I won't)))) I've been saving all my life, I was saving at the orphanage, now I'm saving with my grandma, I'm a hoarder))))
Salaam to all! Where has Dragona gone?
Hello! Nostardamus? Any predictions?

not salt)))) I've been saving all my life, I saved at the orphanage, now I'm saving with my granny, I'm a hoarder))))

it's a good quality.)
Hello! Nostardamus? Any predictions?
He's on the right, just like everyone else.
the people are getting rid of the quid - the process is just at the beginning of its difficult path of restructuring...

if iran bombs america and the chinese help them it will be very fast, i read that the iranians will kill israel first
Hello! Nostardamus? Any predictions?

I'm not nostradamus.

Nestradamus me.
no predictions give predictions.
Did your mobile phone survive two bottles of vodka?)
no predictions give predictions.
You're still young.