[Archive] FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Consequences (Episode 11: January 2012) - page 272


Ha ha ha !!!! Here's the funnies :))))))))))) Ponytail... that's a good one......!!!!!

What's the beast????

Very expensive and rare thing))) But you can have it, just don't give it to anyone.
futureline.zip  16 kb

It's very expensive and rare.) But you're welcome to it, just don't give it to anyone.
I guess Mobile Man has one, too? )))))))))))))))))))) (Mobile, no offence)
And looking at these auctions one wonders what they can create in this euzhop)))

It's very expensive and rare.) But you can have it, just don't give it to anyone.

Yusuf keeps inventing his predictor (18). It turns out that everything has been around for a long time.

Yusuf keeps inventing his predictive (18). It turns out that everything has been there for a long time.

I can give him another half a bucket of them)))
Probably the Mobile Man has one? ))))))))))))))))))))(Mobile-no offence)

Not funny, Mobile did the right thing.

Not funny, mobile did the right thing

Correct, but too early turned the pose down )))) So he got into overstaying, which means his entry points are not perfect ))))

Correct, but he reversed the position down too early )))) Thus, he got into overstaying, which means that his entry points are not perfect )))).

That's what he said to put a pending order at 2693.

I can give him another half a bucket of these.)

Thanks!!!! I'll have a look, although it probably draws scary :))))