[Archive] FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Consequences (Episode 11: January 2012) - page 268


Come on, it's okay to sell the bonds )))) it's not that bad

It's like selling your last pair of pants, but for a lot of money)))

It's like selling your last pair of pants, but for a lot of money)))
and something's not dropping on the turkey... (and the levels keep getting bluer and bluer)

Somebody call a mobile comrade, France has settled in all right

Yeah the trend is not showing, maybe just a bit less fucked up than last time, Margaret what do you think about it

Who jinxed France? Placed well but no effect ...)))) suspiciously (((

On H4 I see a pincer...


Yeah the trend is not showing, maybe it's just a bit less bad than last time, Margaret what do you think about it...
so who's left in the market? main europe has exited the currency market...
Oh, Shai Hulud has moved on)

Who jinxed France? Placed well, but not much use ...)))) suspiciously (((

and technically, a rise now, is it possible ?

Who jinxed France? Placed well, but not much use ...)))) suspiciously (((

soon to buy, now sales will reach 2650 and to buy ( so I think)
Are stocks being traded in America today?
so who's left in the market? major europe has withdrawn from the currency market...
Who will listen to the drag in the evening??? How will the market react if there is no one???