[Archive] FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Consequences (Episode 11: January 2012) - page 437


That's the kind of thing that will happen:

Wanderer, are you looking at the volume? To be honest, I don't really know how to cross the field. Can you give me a hint?

Wanderer, are you looking at the volume? To be honest, I don't really know how to cross the field. Can you give me a hint?

I'm not ready to write a treatise yet))) I have to work on Thursday, so I won't be around much.
I just honestly read up on their website about patrons, but didn't really understand it.....
I just honestly read up on their website about patrons, but didn't really understand it.....


1.3050-80 to 1.2780-1.28 - further upward momentum.
So far I don't see an upward impulse. And about the limits, I agree, probably 1.3050-1.2890

That's the kind of thing that will happen:

OK, my option would be plan B if anything goes wrong ))))


Cluster delta, where do you get the volumes on the euro options...
I see, my option would be plan B if anything goes wrong ))))

The green lines of this turkey never make a big correction.

Yusufhoja, 3050 is the low before correction, the most realistic point is 1.3065.


Cluster delta, where do you get the volume on euro options...

Bullshit, the software and the literature are good, the rest is not worth the effort.

It's bullshit, the software and the literature are good, the rest is not worth paying attention to.

Well, I downloaded the software, I even figured out what's in it, now I need to figure out how to watch the volumes and know who buys where. Do you have the literature to figure it out????