[Archive] FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Consequences (Episode 11: January 2012) - page 266

These Euzhopeans with no hands are taking it out on the Americans, and without the Americans there is no market, these dumbasses cannot decide what they want)))).
Thank you.
Another attempt to take the high ground)))
Another attempt to take the high ground)))
the sell has opened from 2650 buy.
These Euromaidans with no hands are taking it out on the Americans, and without the Americans there is no market, these dumbasses cannot decide what they want)))).

I totally agree with you. As they say, "America is where the power is, Brother" )))) No America, no momentum.
These Euzhopeans with no hands are taking it out on the Americans, and without the Americans there is no market, these dumbasses cannot decide what they want)))).

Yeah. Every month they hold a meeting to save the euro, but it's still there.)
These Euzhopeans with no hands are all pissed off at the Americans, and without the Americans there is no market, these dumbasses cannot decide what they want)))
They have been waiting, since this morning, for the French auction of bills to be completed, but there has been some incomprehensible delay.
They have been waiting, since early this morning, for the completion of the French promissory note auction, but there has been some incomprehensible delay.

They haven't had time to get everyone to buy up yet, now they're going to do it and start pouring in
They have been waiting, since early this morning, for the completion of the French promissory note auction, but there has been some incomprehensible delay.

The Americans usually do not wait for anything, a false move and go. But these guys are pushing bai or sells every five pips.

The Americans usually do not wait for anything, a false move and go. And these guys are pushing bai or sells every five pips in a futile way.
It's "Pips Day"...