[Archive] FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Consequences (Episode 11: January 2012) - page 261

Mobile, you're certainly a strong prediction guy, no doubt, but to enter the market by someone else's signal is like getting off a train on the move))

I see the euro buying so far and will see where to start pushing down:

It seems to be starting already.
Exactly, but I got off at 1.2637-just on your signal, well, right away, but at 1 am.

I didn't give the signal.
Mobile, you're certainly a strong prediction guy, no doubt, but to enter the market by someone else's signal is like getting off a train on the move))

I don't understand that either.

I didn't give the signal to be afraid.
Really? What was my hurry? Just like strangerr said, everyone has his own strategy, and tactics, of course, but there's nothing without it)))
Oh, really? What's the rush?


All right, don't swear. come draggy at 10 p.m. moscow and we'll know where we're going.



Mobile, don't be angry, but I'm trying to think with my dumb head a little too)))) I'm gaining experience.

OK, don't argue. Dragi will be here at 2200 Moscow time and we'll find out where we're going.

Yeah, it's gonna be a fun week. They're calling Greece to the carpet. The Germans don't want it out of the eurozone.

OK, don't argue. Dragi will be here at 2200 Moscow time and we'll find out where we're going.

I've already made my signal where we're going )))) Draghi may not know yet, but he'll find out later.