[Archive] FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Consequences (Episode 11: January 2012) - page 238

Ok, people, leave the kid alone - his prediction was corrected up to 1.2620, and you are jealous if someone did not take 250 points from 1.2872 - his problem. Moreover, everyone has his own tactics. And you, man, screenshots in the studio. Maybe you just send a signal to e-mail?

I do not know why I am posting here, I explain it sometimes and so do the others.
I don't either )))) So how are they doing in forex?!
I haven't met any of them who trade forex.
I closed my sells. Why? came the vision ))) The result of order 172pp.

And the name of this vision is maniac)))

I do not know why I am posting here, I sometimes explain it, and so do the others.
If you do not know how to do it, you cannot tell the difference... If you do not know how to do it, you cannot tell the difference... If you do not know the difference, you cannot tell the price... If you do not know the price, you cannot tell the difference... If you do not know the price, you cannot tell the difference... If you do not know the price, you cannot tell the difference... It is a question of quantity and it is not a question of quantity...)

And the name of the vision is mania))))
I don't get it, that's it for today's fall, is there going to be no bottom update?
I remember someone here on the forum talking about states defaulting on reaching parity. Purely theoretically I wonder how serious this is?
I don't get it, that's it for today's drop, is there going to be no bottom update or what?

If not before the end of the hour, I'll cut the bottom sells and leave the top.
If I'm not mistaken, I don't know why, but I think it's fun to walk around together. So Margarita is a news expert, strangerr is a long-term trend trader, Tantrik is a medium-term one and so on.)

I, like Tantrik, within a day, sometimes a week, rarely 2, it's more of a pips)))) And Margaret is the one who trades long term.

As for the deposits and lots traded, I don't really care.


And the name of the vision is mania.)
By the way, you're wrong. I don't care so much about the outcome of the deal that you have no idea. It was very difficult for me to develop such equanimity. If you trade intraday, the thrill is there. And when the order is already 150+ points in the black - why the jitters? I just saw that the price may not fall right now. But it will. By the way, I hold a long position from 1.2930.

(Me, like Tantrik, within a day, sometimes a week, rarely 2, it's more of a pipsing)))) But Margaret is a long-term trader.

I have a screenshot, it's the second time today I`ve lost depo, I`m $150, then 180. I have to stop, otherwise I`ll start smoking))))

It is good to have a cent account, I don't even try to use a dollar account, otherwise I don't want to go back to Moscow to the construction site))))