The definitive one hundred percent, post. - page 3

SProgrammer, so you're a woman!!!?

Don't cry. You better write something about statistics. :) An article, I mean - that's what they say they pay for.

It won't make me happier, why then, to each his own

Well, if you're talking about trade, it's a war of one against all. So to each his own. I do not consider cases where traders work on profits as a team, because I do not understand the principles of such cooperation. But I read the blog of the traders with great pleasure. )))
Well, if it's about trade, it's a war of one against all. So to each his own. I do not consider cases where traders work on profit as a team, because I do not understand the principles of such cooperation. But I read the blog of the traders with great pleasure. )))

The problem is not about generating profit but about people's integrity, nobody is forcing them to help - but not to get in the way and not to mockingly act as if they were born pros.

Everyone's famous secret? Easy - a 1:50 leverage account of at least 100,000. High-speed trading. :)

Well, you told me everything... Traders all over the world are no longer interested in life!

It's not about the collictive profit, it's about the decency of people, no one is forcing them to help - but not to get in the way and not to mock as if they were born pros at once.
Who do you think a pro is? )))
Who do you think a pro is? )))

Don't get hung up on words, it's just a figure of speech.

Peace to all.

We're talking about clone moderators. :)

People like Mishek, Granite, themselves...

Mishek, happy promotion.

I thought you said you were gonna get an "A" too. Or did I mishear that?


By the way, I thought you promised to go to a fiver too. Or did I mishear that?

I have e-single and "blumberg" and . "gl...." ;) and there's more :) for trading....

I don't have an MT. And MT is for amateurs, after all.

I personally did not like MT5. Of course, they did a lot, but it's not the program that's important, it's the "database"... in one word. :)


Everyone's famous secret? Easy - a 1:50 leverage account of at least 100,000. High-speed trading. :)

not... Not Maya.

No one is forcing you to help, but at least you don't have to get in the way and you don't have to look arrogant.
It's not about banter or arrogance, it's about outlook and philosophy if you will. Let me explain. The world we live in is governed by certain laws. What follows from this - 1) If we do not know some laws, it does not mean that they do not exist; 2) if we invent and establish (impose) our own laws, they will not work. In this connection, two ways of cognition emerged - Western scholasticism and Eastern Greek theoria, from which the word theory originated. The first way of cognition means splitting the whole into parts, in order to know afterwards how everything works. That is a subject-object analysis. The second way of cognition is merging with the object of cognition. That is object-object analysis. The first way is the way of western TA, the way of quantum physics and other crap. This way to nowhere, which leads only to a swamp of even smaller particles and details. This is the analysis that this entire forum is dedicated to. An example of the second way is, oddly enough, Japanese candlesticks. This is so far the only attempt (maybe not entirely successful) to look at the market from the object-object view. and which, by the way, still stands apart from all the questionable theories of making profit that emerge in the West. )))