[Archive] Learn how to make money villagers! - page 740


I don't know why you have such a growth, but since the beginning of 2008 to the present day I have not been drained, of course, but disappointed. No, of course it's nice to keep half of it. I think it's just a fluke.

My bad(( That was the test of the last six months, this is from 2008:



P.S. Made a video demonstrating what happens to the diversification when you recalculate the random functions that are the basis of the portfolio component models.

I remind you of the basic characteristics of the systems: m.o. = 1, and the result of the trade is a random variable from 1-15=-14 to 1+15=16.

It is informative. Alexei, thank you.

How great it all turns out! :-)


How great it all turns out! :-)

It sure is))))

I've set up a demo program on the inikator. I will start demoing it soon


How great it all turns out! :-)


Villagers are for you: Scientists have found the key to reducing worries about losing money


Financial market traders and avid gambling enthusiasts have been advised by British commentators to pay close attention to this discovery. After all, scientists believe it not only sheds light on what goes on in the mind, but also paves the way for the development of possible "medicines" to help those who deal with risky betting and are greatly distressed by losses.



Good. And how is the situation today?
Good. What is the situation today?

Already over three hundred - looks like it's already out of reach for Nicholas... :-)


Already over three hundred - looks like it's already out of reach for Nicholas... :-)

Here I am about the GEP.... Turns out Ilan crawled out )))) That turns out how many days has it been?

Roman, what is the condition for entering the market?