[Archive] Learn how to make money villagers! - page 143


Unobvious, by the way. It is roughly equivalent to the word 'because', which is certainly not emphasised in this case.

Stop provoking me - "mlia" in this case is an introductory word and always stands out with commas

Zis place reserve!!! :-)

I'll buy the ticket!!!

You don't often see such an energetic Spartan at the head of an army of monkeys, in a forex war :)

Vladislav. Don't give up!!!


"мля" в данном случае является вставным (вводным) словом и всегда выделяется запятыми

It's not an introductory phrase. It's more like a particle.

I won't argue, as it is also close in meaning to the phrase 'damn it', which definitely stands out.

Anyway, Ozhegov and Dahl have to look it up.

I'll buy the ticket!!!

You don't often see such an energetic Spartan at the head of an army of monkeys, in a forex war :)

Vladislav. Don't give up!!!


P.S. Monday will judge us! :-) We'll do it online again!!!

I'll buy the ticket!!!

You don't often see such an energetic Spartan at the head of an army of monkeys, in a forex war :)

Vladislav. Don't give up!

Will there be beer chips or will you bring them with you ;) ? It would also be nice to arrange a food tray in front of the entrance.....
Ah, that, will there be beer chips or will you bring your own ;) ? It would also be nice to organise a food tray in front of the entrance.....

To go. There will be no tray. There will be a test of the options online... :-)
Looking forward to the fight on Monday :)
I suggest Sultonov to scout, behind the forex (seems to have discovered the power of monkeys too)
Evolution is different today, not according to Darwin, but the other way round.
Evolution today is different, not according to Darwin, but the other way round.

Beautiful, I couldn't make up my mind - what kind of evolution is it today...? :-)

It seems that here it is with the prefix "de-"... :-)


Tried it on one-way minutes (hourly trend). Safer in my opinion, although performance both ways during a flat will be higher. In the video folder.

The folder is not loading. I will make it tomorrow in another format for Youtube.


Tried it on one-way minutes (hourly trend). Safer in my opinion, although performance both ways during a flat will be higher. In the video folder.

Yes??? What are you saying??? Well, well, well.... The video didn't click, though... :-(