[Archive] Learn how to make money villagers! - page 556


After "binding" the Expert Advisor from the DEMO to the REAL, it started working as it should:

There is some difference between the DEMO and the REAL. I advise to run the Expert Advisor on the REAL with someone who can quickly correct the program code.

From the chart you can see that the Expert Advisor that successfully traded on the DEMO in the REAL mode will eventually leave without any money (the beginning of the chart)

Pay attention to how a negative profit appears and adjust the program and very carefully follow the movement of the quote (the nuance will be a fraction of a second), because I can not tell such things here .... regarding SL and TP.


Folks, stumbled upon this link, I can't do it myself.

There are bots in there too.

If anyone finds anything interesting, please let me know.



Folks, stumbled upon this link, I can't do it myself.

If anyone finds anything interesting, please let me know.


Checking as we go )))

Are there any REAL ones yet?


Are there any real ones yet?

I understand that those with the Keys at the start don't count, but still - I'll ramp up the demo to 1 lakh roubles - I'll start on the real with 100,000 roubles... :-) When I started the demo on January 13th, I worked with three sops, and the maximum drawdown on Equity was under 10 000 roubles.


from 9 December - one sov - close to 30,000 - starting 0.01 euro franc M1 DoubleMinus_1.

Set in the trailer for the five-figure.

1_3.zip  43 kb

In 24 hours, ranked in the top 30 for my type of REAL account:

Deposit/Withdrawal: 7 079.30 Credit Facility: 354.00
Closed Trade P/L: 786.98 Floating P/L: -711.07 Margin: 653.13
Balance: 7 866.28 Equity: 7 509.21 Free Margin: 6 856.08

In 24 hours, ranked in the top 30 for my type of REAL account:

Deposit/Withdrawal: 7 079.30 Credit Facility: 354.00
Closed Trade P/L: 786.98 Floating P/L: -711.07 Margin: 653.13
Balance: 7 866.28 Equity: 7 509.21 Free Margin: 6 856.08
Thank you. Why don't you start with a big amount at once? Set up the program on REAL first, then start ))))

In 24 hours, ranked in the top 30 for my type of REAL account:

Deposit/Withdrawal: 7 079.30 Credit Facility: 354.00
Closed Trade P/L: 786.98 Floating P/L: -711.07 Margin: 653.13
Balance: 7 866.28 Equity: 7 509.21 Free Margin: 6 856.08

Profit - 1%