[Archive] Learn how to make money villagers! - page 319

Fuck you with your magical, secret Nostradamus ... FX_NOSTRADAMUS_S_FULL

When optimised, results are not bad, but there's no source on the net, only decompile found.....
What the hell? I could not log in for half a day and some posts were written while I could not log in and now the forum has opened again! I understand that some of us are denied access when others on the forum talk quietly! In general, I give up this forum to go to another one! There is nothing to catch here! Always turn off the forum when you need it! In general, guys bye! As they say to all pros!
What the hell is going on? I couldn't log in for half a day and some posts were written while I couldn't login and now it's flooded again

Site is glitchy ((((

And I warned you a while ago, but to no avail !!!!

I couldn't get in either, so what?
It's called schizophrenia.

Started testing the new sova. So far it's chattering...

Gross Profit:28 370.82Gross Loss:9 661.86Total Net Profit:18 708.96
Profit Factor:2.94Expected Payoff:37.05
Absolute Drawdown:0.00Maximal Drawdown:1 560.00 (2.91%)Relative Drawdown:2.91% (1 560.00)
Total Trades:505Short Positions (won %):357 (83.47%)Long Positions (won %):148 (72.30%)
Profit Trades (% of total):405 (80.20%)Loss trades (% of total):100 (19.80%)
Largestprofit trade:800.00loss trade:-920.00
Averageprofit trade:70.05loss trade:-96.62
Maximum($):47 (1 700.48)consecutive losses ($):9 (-1 560.00)
Maximalconsecutive profit (count):2 028.00 (11)consecutive loss (count):-1 560.00 (9)
Averageconsecutive wins:7consecutive losses:2

Where is everybody?

What the hell is going on? I couldn't log in for half a day and some posts were made when I couldn't log in, but now I just got the latest one and the forum opened up again. I understand that some of us are denied access when others are quietly communicating on the forum!
Absolutely unfounded hypothesis. But you can continue to think so - if you are still here. You haven't bullied here, so there's no reason for the moderators to ban you. Especially since the ban is for a day minimum, not a few hours.
A totally unfounded hypothesis. But you can continue to think so - if you're still here. You haven't been misbehaving here, so there's no reason for the moderators to ban you. Especially since the ban is for a day minimum, not a few hours.

Not really strange, it often happens error 500, like internal server, you think the server is lying or preventive maintenance, an hour, two, then you come in, and here it turns out the people at the time quietly scribbled messages....

Not really strange, often there is an error 500, like internal server, you think the server is down or preventive maintenance, an hour, two hours, then you come back, but it turns out people during this time quietly wrote messages....

Same thing. Just didn't notice on purpose, whether there was something without me or not. But all day long there is a server error or a blank screen.

And the messages are slow to be added, it takes 5-10 seconds.