[Archive] Learn how to make money villagers! - page 156


Guys, who's familiar with the inductor? How do I get the current drawdown to the buffer? There is a variable but it won't put it in the buffer. I'm losing time :(((

Indicator draws the line, which you need? You can set the parameters in the editor and remove extern from the settings and iCastom will simplify.
And I have such Salami with my owl, from this week's opening bid)

Well done so far, don't forget the main thing here is the end of the week :))))))

Well done so far, don't forget the main thing here is the end of the week :))))))
Well, yes, there is no need for an extra link. Yes, and the indicator will not exactly show you the drawdown, namely, how much drawdown from the top equity, while you need the equity that was at the beginning of the series. You need to know that the slump in the series was caused by this one and not the entire series. Although, see for yourself, of course)
No..... That's just it doesn't draw. I just don't understand.... I need to write a variable in the function, to get a returnee procedure. I don't know how, I can't figure it out: ((((
Maybe each new series magik give a different one or comment ... then a selection of orders... order profit++
Yes, you don't need an extra link. And the indicator will not show exactly the same drawdown, namely, how much drawdown from the top equity, and you need the equity that was at the beginning of the series. You need to know that the slump in the series was caused by this one and not the entire series. Although, see for yourself, of course).

That's more fun. It's a denamic drawdown. I'm sure it is :))))
Need to open a lock soon.... In an hour or two.....
Does the indicator draw the line you need? Set the parameters in the editor what you need and remove extern from the settings. and iCastom (tra ta ta) will simplify.

Do you understand what you're saying????