The triangles are advancing. - page 21

aah, scared... ))
It's about time I got out. Perfect trade today)
8... now this is a forum for people.
The teacher: If the triangle is filled, it's the hydraulic system, if it's not, it's the pneumatic system. If there is no triangle, then it's a domestic scheme and you deal with it yourself. (c) bash

18 pieces:

In the long term, the trend is steady, you can shop around.


and I think this is the bottom... it's time for a reversal... in the medium term...


and I think this is the bottom... it's time for a reversal... in the medium term...

Early. The screen is not full yet.
And here they come again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But it's too late to shop. The train has sailed... Time to sell and put everything back!!!
I want to sell 4 triangles, 1 grey and 3 red. Who should I approach? And what is the underlying asset for them?
Really coming on /_\ Atung