The triangles are advancing. - page 24

Buy, gentlemen, the bottom has been reached ;)))

leonid553 12.09.2012 15:36


Amazing! How comfortably the site has become at once!

It's like it's even easier to breathe!


Yeah. That's right.

Nine grand is a historic low! :-) Time to go long - for sure!


Roman, does the banner at the top of the page bother you? :))))

By the way, there are chips, you can remove all ads on websites :D
:D I'm fine with it)

Roman, does the banner at the top of the page bother you? :))))

Read the previous page carefully - it's not my post... :-)

It doesn't bother me, because I look there to check the status of the sent owl with its updated settings...

Roman.: Nine grand is a historic low! :-) Time to go long - for sure!

Already 15:

Why didn't I bet on growth a couple of weeks ago?

A local maximum is in place. Clearly overbought.

Nineteen triangles is 'anyhow' overbought.

Who's how, I'm starting to salt them. Kind of an insider's tip...

It's already 15:

Why didn't I bet on growth a couple of weeks ago?


Gotta practise... :-)

There, the FAQ recommends...


ozer-man 06.12.2012 10:22

With all due respect, but you're going too far with the 18 pinned topics. Why not keep 4-6 and the rest could be seen in the news?

It's not very convenient to constantly go to the second page to keep track of new topics, when all your "important" pinned topics I've looked at 10 times already.