The triangles are advancing. - page 22

I want to sell 4 triangles, 1 grey and 3 red. Who should I approach? And what is the underlying asset on them?

Have you made it? :))) That's all right... The triangles have gone and will come again...

Anyway, thank you! I'm glad our prayers were answered.


It's a correction... you have to tare)


It's a correction... you have to tare)

Usually a correction takes a lot longer than a trend... :)))


in one week +30.25% )))


What the f.

Are the modders making fun of the martins?

Half the threads have very old posts.

No, it's the modders chasing the pissed off necroposters and banning them...
No, it's the modders chasing the pissed off necroposters and banning them...

uh - so that's why I got busted :-) - unban me again :-)

... I saw a thread like this and wrote Surprise there - wow, the thread itself went up to the top 4 years ago...

then my post disappeared and I got banned... rehabilitate - Aleksander

On the front page of the MQL4 forum, triangles are gaining ground from pentagons. Will there come a moment when they will displace them completely? :)))

Again a massive attack of triangles is coming! A little more and I will have to enter the forum from page 2 at once! I think - by the end of the week !

Here comes the massive triangle offensive again! Will have to go straight to page 2 of the forum! I think - by the end of the week !

The answer is wrong ... :-) It's time to settle from the border (top), by the end of the week we will fall to the middle line of the channel min/max... :-)

As of 26 June: 19 pieces. By the end of the week: 15 or less (some will go free).

P.S. If there are weather futures, why not put options on Treugi? :-)