Interesting and humorous - page 207

In comparison. Or have you not yet 'lived' in the collapse of the country?

As far as I am concerned, the country has fallen apart and not come together.

Chechnya was defeated, as it were, but there was fighting in Grozny.

The Crimea was seized and three villages in Luhansk oblast were valiantly conquered, but there is no more strength for Novorossia - Putin has not even mentioned it.

Plus, the goddamned Khoholts have taken offense and announced they are joining NATO.


As far as I am concerned, the country has fallen apart and not come together.

Chechnya was defeated, as it were, but there was fighting in Grozny.

The Crimea was seized and three villages in Luhansk oblast were valiantly conquered, but there is no more strength for Novorossia - Putin has not even mentioned it.

Plus, the goddamned Khokhlys have taken offense and said they are joining NATO.


There are no words to talk to a childish thinker.

Here, at least like this.


As far as I am concerned, the country has fallen apart and not come together.

Chechnya was defeated, as it were, but there was fighting in Grozny.

The Crimea was seized and three villages in Luhansk oblast were valiantly conquered, but there is no more strength for Novorossia - Putin has not even mentioned it.

And the goddamned Khokhlys have taken offense and said they are joining NATO.

He is fighting in Grozny... Is it okay that this was planned by your masters to "dilute" the effect of Putin's statement on behalf of Russia to the world?

And they did, because they knew in advance that a terrorist attack was being prepared. They were wrong about the number. The traffic policemen who stopped them paid with their lives.



No words to talk to a childish thinker.

Here, at least like this.


The power of the Russian army? The power of the Russian army is whenLieutenant General Alexander Lentsov in Donetsk negotiates a ceasefire with a Ukrainian general to remove the corpses of Russian special forces from the airfield, which, as it were, are not there in principle



The power of the Russian army? The power of the Russian army is whenRussian Army Lieutenant General Alexander Lentsov in Donetsk negotiates a ceasefire with a Ukrainian general to remove the corpses of Russian special forces from the airfield, which, as it were, are not there in principle

Please provide us with a source. Otherwise, it is rubbish.
Give me the source. Otherwise, it's just talk.


You explain the other thing to me, all the pink snot smeared on lilac walls about power and super weapons and other nonsense - it's not interesting.

The facts:

1. there is no novorossia and there will never be one.

2. there is no federalisation of Ukraine and there will never be.

3. there is no Russian as a state and there will not be one in Ukraine.

4. Crimea is valiantly squeezed out, but it is in a complete blockade - ferries do not go, ships cannot reach the ports (storm season), tourists have not arrived, there is no electricity (fan blackouts since Monday), etc.

5. Ukraine has officially announced its intention to join the EU and NATO.

6. Ukraine's new state military doctrine implies Russia - as potential enemy number one.

7. There is no Customs Union and there will no longer be one.

8. Economic and political isolation of Russia.

What is the point?

Give me the source. Otherwise, it's all bullshit.
What are you talking to them for? Their pindo asses will draw whatever you want and they'll pass it off as a source.
What are you talking to them for? Their pindo asses will draw whatever you want and they'll pass it off as a source.
What's with the rudeness? I posted the video.

You explain the other thing to me, all the pink snot smeared on lilac walls about power and super weapons and other nonsense - it's not interesting.

The facts:

1. there is no novorossia and there will never be one.

2. there is no federalisation of Ukraine and there will never be.

3. there is no Russian as a state and there will no longer be a state in Ukraine.

4. Crimea is valiantly squeezed out, but it is in a complete blockade - ferries do not go, ships cannot reach the ports (storm season), tourists have not arrived, there is no electricity (fan blackouts since Monday), etc.

5. Ukraine has officially announced its intention to join the EU and NATO.

6. Ukraine's new state military doctrine implies Russia - as potential enemy number one.

7. There is no and will no longer be a CU.

8. Economic and political isolation of Russia.

What is the point?

First of all. The video is not independent. I have no desire or time to search somewhere for explanations on this video. But it certainly does not say anything about the agreement to remove the corpses of Russian special forces from the runway.

1. Why not? There is.

2. This is your problem, not Russia's.

3. In Donbass it will be.

4. Crimea came back (you were given it as part of a union republic when the country was united. Once seceded - give it back, to be honest, no? You didn't, we paid you for our bases. Now the Crimea has sailed home to Russia on its own. In short - you fucked it up...) - The Russian people did not lay their heads for the peninsula for 300 years for your oligarchs to use it to "screw their mistresses there".

5. Well done, join in. Without those who don't want to. Who's stopping you?

6) It's not your doctrine, it's the EU and America's. You are puppets in their hands. If you have such a desire, go ahead.

7. You have it, you are developing and will continue to develop... 8.

8. We are a truly sovereign country, as opposed to the non-independent one. Where is the isolation? I don't see it... In your box? All right, well...

There is no point in a fratricidal war. That is exactly what Yanukovych wanted - to push back the signing deadline. That is exactly what is happening now. Only the people were put to death... And there was only one point in all this - to get to power by those who were not in power then. Now there is, but nothing has changed for the people. For ordinary people there is no point, for the oligarchy there is a huge point. Now they are in power.