Interesting and humorous - page 201

and Russia's prime minister also claims that"unscrupulous foreign exchange market players" are to blame for the weakening of the ruble.

You claim that the weakening of the ruble is a "policy pursued by Russia" and that the Central Bank of Russia is fighting the weakening with interventions.

One of you two is lying.



You claim that the weakening of the ruble is a "policy pursued by Russia" and that the Central Bank of Russia is fighting the weakening with interventions.

One of you two is lying

That the Central Bank is pursuing a policy of weakening the rouble you can see at the exchange office. In the current situation this is the right decision. It will reduce the cost of the country's foreign currency reserves and stimulate the national economy.
The fact that the Central Bank is pursuing a policy of weakening the rouble can be seen at an exchange office. It is the right thing to do under the current circumstances. It will reduce the expenditure of the country's currency reserves and stimulate the development of the national economy.
And then why do we need intervention by the Central Bank of Russia and such a waste of foreign exchange reserves?
The Central Bank acts as a regulator, to avoid sharp fluctuations.
The Central Bank acts as a regulator, to avoid sharp fluctuations.
in short, the head of the central bank and the head of the Russian government are lying, claiming that ruble devaluation is undesirable for the economy and they are trying to fight it?

The falling rouble will benefit our industry and agriculture...

stimulate the development of the national economy.

The theses you write about in your posts are absolutely 100% correct. The problem is that they are unacceptable for Russia. For example, about the development of the national economy. The main question is with what money must it be developed? For such a big country as Russia trillions of dollars are necessary (do not confuse with empty roubles), otherwise there will be no development. And we need not just money, but cheap and long money, and not only money, but also various technologies and innovations, which we simply do not have, because for those 74 years we spent on the construction of communism, in other countries much has been invented and produced, because of what they are called developed, and not developing, as we (offensive, but fact). The only possible way to develop our economy is to attract direct investments, but to persuade the investors you have to sing, dance and even kiss them on the same spot, but certainly not to threaten them or brandish guns. There is no such money in the country and there has never been any, and even if there was, no business could take a 25-30% loan.

This Saturday I was having a drink with a friend and he told me practically word for word what you have written here about the development of the domestic economy and industry. I asked him how you personally would develop economy, what you would do if you had a very large amount of money at ridiculous interest rates. Well, I don't know, he said at first, then he thought for a long time and then he said that nothing came to his mind, that the best thing was to go to some country and buy some goods with that money, bring them back and sell them here. He is not a stupid man, by the way. That is how we are developing the domestic economy.


The points you make in your posts are absolutely 100% correct. The problem is that for Russia they are unacceptable. For example, about the development of the national economy. The main question is with what money must it be developed? For such a big country as Russia trillions of dollars are necessary (do not confuse with empty roubles), otherwise there will be no development. And not just money, but cheap and long money, and not only money, but also various technologies and innovations, which we simply do not have, because for those 74 years we spent on building communism, in other countries much has been invented and produced, because of what they are called developed, and not developing, as we (offensive, but fact). The only possible way to develop our economy is to attract direct investments, but to persuade the investors you have to sing, dance and even kiss them on the same spot, but certainly not to threaten them or brandish guns. There is no such money in the country and there has never been any, and even if there was, no business could take a 25-30% loan.

This Saturday I was having a drink with a friend and he told me practically word for word what you have written here about the development of the domestic economy and industry. I asked him how you personally would develop economy, what you would do if you had a very large amount of money at ridiculous interest rates. Well, I don't know, he said at first, then he thought for a long time and then he said that nothing came to his mind, that the best thing was to go to some country and buy some goods with that money, bring them back and sell them here. He is not a stupid man, by the way. That is how we are developing the domestic economy.

Thanks to the weakening of the rouble, your friend will have to buy domestic goods. There are obvious benefits.


The theses you write about in your posts are absolutely 100% correct. The problem is that for Russia they are unacceptable. For example, about the development of the national economy. The main question is with what money must it be developed? For such a big country as Russia trillions of dollars are necessary (do not confuse with empty roubles), otherwise there will be no development. And not just money, but cheap and long money, and not only money, but also various technologies and innovations, which we simply do not have, because for those 74 years we spent on building communism, in other countries much has been invented and produced, because of what they are called developed, and not developing, as we (offensive, but fact). The only possible way to develop our economy is to attract direct investments, but to persuade the investors you have to sing, dance and even kiss them on the same spot, but certainly not to threaten them or brandish guns. There is no such money in the country and there has never been any, and even if there was, no business could take a 25-30% loan.

This Saturday I was having a drink with a friend and he told me practically word for word what you have written here about the development of the domestic economy and industry. I asked him how you personally would develop economy, what you would do if you had a very large amount of money at ridiculous interest rates. Well, I don't know, he said at first, then he thought for a long time and then he said that nothing came to his mind, that the best thing was to go to some country and buy some goods with that money, bring them back and sell them here. He is not a stupid man, by the way. That is how we are developing the domestic economy.

Doesn't it just mean that candidates and doctors of engineering, physics, mathematics and other non-specialized sciences and champions of various sports have no business in the economy?

Those talking points you write about in your posts are absolutely 100% correct. The problem is that they are unacceptable to Russia. For example, about the development of the national economy. The main question is with what money must it be developed? For such a big country as Russia trillions of dollars are necessary (do not confuse with empty roubles), otherwise there will be no development. And we need not just money, but cheap and long money, and not only money, but also various technologies and innovations, which we simply do not have, because for those 74 years we spent on the construction of communism, in other countries much has been invented and produced, because of what they are called developed, and not developing, as we (offensive, but fact). The only possible way to develop our economy is to attract direct investments, but to persuade the investors you have to sing, dance and even kiss them on the same spot, but certainly not to threaten them or brandish guns. There is no such money in the country and there has never been any, and even if there was, no business could take a 25-30% loan.

This Saturday I was having a drink with a friend and he told me practically word for word what you have written here about the development of the domestic economy and industry. I asked him how you personally would develop economy, what you would do if you had a very large amount of money at ridiculous interest rates. Well, I don't know, he said at first, then he thought for a long time and then he said that nothing came to his mind, that the best thing was to go to some country and buy some goods with that money, bring them back and sell them here. He is not a stupid man, by the way. That is how we are developing the domestic economy.

And for some reason the president and the prime minister are not you and your co-president. Why not?

I was particularly pleased with the empty roubles, and no bullshit dollar bills, not backed up by anything.