Interesting and humorous - page 148

What, officer, you couldn't get enough of a good meal for ordinary soldiers? And we tried... sweeping the beachhead.

I'm not a pilot - we didn't have that kind of ration separation.
Oh, there were so many life stories about the mess hall! I can't help remembering :)))

Exercise. Lunch in the canteen in two shifts. (The mess hall was designed for 1/3 ... 1/4 of the regiment - the duty shift, and here ALL - the exercises).
For reference: with a height of 197 cm and above, one and a half meals are provided.
We sit and eat... A dialogue between a warrant officer (eater) and a warrant officer (head of the canteen):
- Katya, can I have some more? (more for fun than for food)
- (coquettishly) You'll get over it, Grishanov!
- And I'm 5'7"!
- (voice from the audience) Don't step on it!!!


I'm not a pilot - we didn't have such a division of rations.
Oh, there are so many life stories about the canteen! I can't help remembering :)))

Exercise. Lunch in the canteen in two shifts. (The mess hall was designed for 1/3 ... 1/4 of the regiment - the duty shift, and here ALL - the exercises).
For reference: with a height of 197cm and above, one and a half rations are provided.
We sit and eat... A dialogue between a warrant officer (eater) and a warrant officer (head of the canteen):
- Katya, can I have some more? (more for fun than for food)
- (coquettishly) You'll get over it, Grishanov!
- And I'm 5'7"!
- (voice from the audience) Don't step on it!!!

It was a joke. We had normal food, I was quite satisfied, but I still wanted to eat. I remembered there was one enlisted man in the division who flew as a radio gunner, one such unicum. I never thought to ask which mess hall he ate in. I couldn't find out now, but I wondered.
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"All this exotic fruit, noble wines on white tablecloths - pure fiction. And we shouldn't attribute any unnecessary sins to Zhdanov - he had enough of his own...".

© Beria

Here -миф:обжирающийся_жданов

Speaking of birds, who here is washing Stalin's bones, have you forgotten about Beria?

Particularly impressive at the link - the very first post of the article (just a couple of paragraphs):

"Every day people died of starvation in the besieged Leningrad by the thousands. And for the communist nomenklatura there were sanatoria:
"The food here is like a good holiday home in peacetime: varied, tasty, high quality, delicious. Every day there was meat - lamb, ham, chicken, goose, turkey, sausage; fish - bream, herring, smelt, both fried and boiled and flooded. Caviar, cured fish, cheese, tarts, cocoa, coffee, tea, 300g of white bread and the same quantity of black bread a day, 30g of butter, and to all this 50g of grape wine, good port for lunch and supper.

"And at this time the elite communists were consuming caviar, unaccustomed to the gastronomically backward population. Forced, so that the product would not go to waste. And pirozhki, and balyk, and port. As you know Soviet people used to eat the delicacies in the person of their best representatives - nomenklatura communists.

.... As you can see, even today a Soviet communist is still able to smear caviar on a sandwich and squeamishly suggest to the starving: 'Comrade, don't make a bourgeois cult out of food!


Particularly impressive at the link is the very first post of the article (just a couple of paragraphs):

"Every day people died of starvation in the besieged Leningrad by the thousands. And for the Communist nomenklatura there were sanatoria:
"The food here was as if in peacetime in a good rest home: varied, tasty, high quality, tasty. Every day there was meat - lamb, ham, chicken, goose, turkey, sausage; fish - bream, herring, smelt, both fried and boiled and flooded. Caviar, cured fish, cheese, tarts, cocoa, coffee, tea, 300g of white bread and the same quantity of black bread a day, 30g of butter, and to all this, 50g of grape wine, good port for lunch and supper.

"And in the meantime, the elite communists were consuming caviar which was unaccustomed to the gastronomically backward population. Forced, so that the product would not go to waste. And pirozhki, and balyk, and port. As you know, the Soviet people ate the delicacies in the person of their best representatives - the nomenklatura communists.

.... As you can see, even today a Soviet communist is still able to smear caviar on a sandwich and squeamishly suggest to a starving person: 'Comrade, don't make a bourgeois cult out of food!

It's a discussion about people like you. And yet, it's written about sanatoriums, not about the Smolny. So when you lie, at least negotiate.

Also think of Marshal Zhukov having to sleep in a dugout like all the soldiers.


Do you know what's bullshit and why you believe it? Because you're capable of it yourself - living off the fat when people around you are starving to death.

There are two types of people: those who believe and those who do not, although none of these people were not an eyewitness and no one knows what really happened, only fantasies fueled by God knows who.

* * *

Notice, when these discussions started, not ten years ago, not twenty years ago, but now, when there are no eyewitnesses left and you can make any kind of bullshit.


Do you know what's bullshit and why you believe it? Because you're capable of it yourself - living off the fat when people around you are starving to death.

There are two types of people: those who believe and those who do not, although none of these people were not an eyewitness and no one knows what really happened, only fantasies fueled by God knows who.

* * *

Notice, when these discussions started, not ten years ago, not twenty years ago, but now, when there are no eyewitnesses left and you can make any kind of bullshit.


Do you know what's wrong, and why do you believe it? Because you're capable of it yourself - living off of it when people are starving to death all around you.

Strange logic. My grandfather and father told me about the atrocities of the Communists, and I myself lived in the USSR (fortunately not for long, it collapsed) and I know what kind of people they are - the Party clan. And I know what they are capable of, it is not the worst thing to live for when people around you are dying of starvation. No, by your logic it follows that I should not believe my father and grandfather, since I myself am not capable of such a thing. And if I do, then I can do it myself. Something's not right here.


Strange logic. My grandfather and father told me about the atrocities of the Communists, and I myself lived in the USSR (fortunately not for long, it collapsed) and I know what kind of people they are - the Party clan. And I know what they are capable of, it is not the worst thing to live for when people around you are dying of starvation. No, by your logic it follows that I should not believe my father and grandfather, since I myself am not capable of such a thing. And if I do, then I can do it myself. Something's not right here.

The party hierarchy certainly wasn't the best part of society -shit always comes out on top. Everyone knows and it has been proven that under Stalin, anyone who disagreed with the regime was liable to be shot or spend long periods in the camps. But in any case one should stick to proven facts and not exaggerate anything. I, for example, do not know whether there were or were not sanatoria for the Communist Party in starving Leningrad, and I cannot blindly believe some scribbler from the yellow press, who for the sake of sensation is ready to invent any fairy tale.

What do the scribblers have to do with it?

Quotations on the dissolves - cited just from the archival notes of party-paratrooper N.A. Ribkovsky, the instructor of the personnel department of the Leningrad city committee of the All-Union Communist Party


Do you know what's bullshit and why you believe it? Because you're capable of it yourself - living off the fat when people around you are starving to death.

There are two types of people: those who believe and those who do not, although none of these people were not an eyewitness and no one knows what really happened, only fantasies fueled by God knows who.

* * *

The one who, contrary to the obvious, persists in pretending that only fascists are to blame for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Petersburgers is able to get fat. Don't make people laugh! Your hypocrisy can be seen a mile away. Not a single fact, just a stubborn desire to divert the dialogue to an exchange of recriminations.

The descendants of those bastards - Party pimps who sat and survived the blockade, gorging themselves in cozy basement cafeterias of the Smolny, are terribly afraid that the "merits" of their bureaucratic grandparents will be quite rightly debunked. They know who is largely to blame and who, in fact, starved from 641,000 to one million people to death. It is the bastard party nomenclature, gorging themselves on sundries and not going to supply the city!

At the most difficult time - winter-beginning of spring 1941-42, when bastards starved the population - the Red Army controlled 60 kilometres of road free of fascists! From Leningrad to the "big land"!

It is enough to take a calculator and in several minutes it will be clear (see link) that to deliver daily 1500 tons of flour (800 grams of bread per person) to the city along the coast-, water- and ice-roads is not a big deal. But the cowardly party bastards had no intention of doing that!

Instead, they were gorging themselves on caviar buns and "reporting back" on the impossibility of such a delivery. Let hundreds of thousands die! But (I quote) "Of the staff of the district committee, the plenum of the district committee and the secretaries of the primary organizations, no one died. We managed to defend the people", A. M. Grigoriev, first secretary of the Leninist district committee of the VKP(b), recalled proudly."(с)

Well not scum ???????????

Just don't argue your answers with references to the memories of all sorts of party lackeys-generals, members of the Military Council, who falsely "recall" that Zhdanov allegedly did not sleep, did not eat, did not drink, but only "worked" day and night for the people's good. We know whose good he was working for.

And to local "patriots", if there is nothing to object, they can cynically continue to mock at the memory of many hundreds thousand victims of starvation of blockade victims!