TA or something you don't know about. - page 26

Svinozavr: Further. What TA tools are there to determine - and where am I?

Well, well, well, Petya. You've mastered the art of keeping your audience's attention. And on the most trivial subject (I'm talking about this particular thread).

But what the fuck do you need this integrity for?


Well, well, well, Petya. You've mastered the art of keeping your audience's attention. And for the most trivial of reasons (I'm talking about this particular thread).

I mean, what the fuck do you need that integrity for?

Very simply. - Where do the most simple and well-known TA tools work?

Lyosha! You, I think, caught yourself that here - Here! - this - works. And then... it doesn't work...

It's a shame, isn't it? And you're so smart, you know this and that, but it doesn't work! How come?

Well, be patient. I'm sleepy. There's more...


I have read 25 pages diagonally, I have the nerve to summarize that the public has come to the conclusion that TA is the contemplation of the indicators, and contemplation of everything, otherwise it will not be full TA. The forecast is from the evil one and has no relation to TA. Another red thread runs through the opinion that TA should not have a goal.

Let's assume that TA is a reading of devices, and constant contemplation of these devices (for example when driving a car) has no purpose, and then ask what is the purpose of these devices that aimlessly need contemplation?

If I drive into a pole then I don't need the instrument which shows the temperature of the oil. If I look at the instrument only to see the speed, to assess the situation and make a prediction "will I manage to stop or should I divert to the ditch".

So moral is that TA is the basis of trading and profit is the purpose of looking at indicators, or if you like scientifically use TA.


I don't want to know anything about the "plain and simple", Petya. You yourself have modified and complicated them to make these so called "TA tools" work.

I don't know of any simple and known ones that work statistically reliably. With the addition of "context", maybe (I don't call something that works 50% of the time and the rest of the time it doesn't).

I dream of a single indicator that would give all the information for a trading decision without any contexts and filters. Everything else is compromise, degradation and self-deception.



I dream of a single indicator that would give all the information for a trading decision without any context and filters. Everything else is compromise, degradation and self-deception.


"The market is impulses and reactions"

That's right.

But for "measuring" impulses and "determining" (I almost said "predicting" - I won't make Peter nervous!) reactions, instruments are still needed.

It makes no difference whether these tools are called TA or Meditation Poses.


That's right.

But for "measuring" impulses and "determining" (I almost said "forecasting" - I won't make Peter nervous!) reactions, you still need tools.

It makes no difference whether these tools are called TA or Meditation poses.

Why do you panically avoid the word "forecasting"? What are "measurements" and "definitions" for then, if not for predicting, even if not the market, but one's future actions? What then to call the process that precedes decision-making?
Why are you panickingly avoiding the word "forecasting"? What are "measurements" and "definitions" for then, if not for predicting, even if not the market, but one's own future actions? What then to call the process that precedes decision-making?

They think that if you call a cow a crane, it will fly.

Using the same indicators/patterns/fractals and not using the word forecast/forecast and their synonyms automatically leads to a 40% or more increase in instrument returns.

Why do you panically avoid the word "forecasting"? What are "measurements" and "definitions" for then, if not for predicting, even if not the market, but one's future actions? What then to call the process that precedes decision-making?
There is no panic - in this case just "ethics" )))).
There is no panic - just "ethics" in this case ))))
"Ethics" versus logic is already unethical. We have to define the basic concepts and not disturb them, which includes the concept of prognostication, whether anyone likes it or not.