FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Episode 5: July 2011) - page 220


I just added to your forecast: the line you drew (from which the bounce at 1620) is not a brick wall, if it breaks through -- classically one more channel width up...
Why are you so worried? Of course it will break through - after a correction... or right away (if something happens, like a US default)....
... your channel is homemade.

The forecast for the Eura will continue to rise tomorrow afternoon. Until then, flat.


The forecast for the Eura will continue to rise tomorrow afternoon. Until then, flat.

We have a day off tomorrow!
Nothing will happen with the rise of the euro ))))) And if there is an increase, it will be short term and very bummer ))))

Igor, seriously, next year you will see terrible floods, earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, no economic recovery before 7 years, next year the second buttock of a double bottom. All the measures being taken by the EU and the states are an accumulation of economic fatigue, and natural disasters will be the catalyst that will blow it all away...

Seriously, don't watch tv and don't read the internet, start thinking instead of predicting.

SZS: playing Harry Potter is only good in the cinema, but in real life it's a road to the asylum.


seriously - don't watch tv or read the internet, start thinking instead of predicting

ZS:playing Harry Potter is only good in the cinema, but in real life it is a road to the asylum.


Floods, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, natural disasters have always been, and always will be.

There was no TV, otherwise the dinosaurs would have died of a heart attack or suicide....


Seriously, don't watch TV or read the Internet, start thinking instead of predicting.

SZS: playing Harry Potter is only good in the cinema, but in real life it's a road to the asylum.

I did not say that, it was almost Margaret's namesake Magdalena who said it, but Margaret must know her, she is often seen on TV ;-)
What are you so excited about? Of course it will - after a correction... or right away (if something happens like a US default)...
...your channel is homemade.

It is what it is and the only thing that bothers me is the multiple upper boundary options:)


For fun, deja vu:

The same owl waving a paw: "bye-bye" ;-)

rustein: There was no TV or the dinosaurs would have died of a heart attack or suicide....

That's exactly what I'm talking about.

ZSY: We are having usual weather this summer, or rather it rained more than usual, but whoever you talk about the weather - all you get is a terrible heat, I think - turn on the TV: "Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Abnormal heat, people take care, stay indoors," I turn on the radio: "super offer! super split system + super gift + free installation".


Just for fun, déjà vu:

Same owl waving a paw: "bye-bye" ;-)

it's not a joke, it's a subtle hint, thanks for the screenshot - not a bad situation