FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Episode 5: July 2011) - page 215

Long-legged Doge appeared on the watch, investor uncertainty is growing, optimism has gone down, ears on the heel, strings at 1.4450...
There is a long-legged Doge on the watch, investors' uncertainty is growing, optimism has gone down on the Friday, ears on 1.4450, strings on 1.4450...

Don't you think it's your insecurity? i.e. you are trying to determine the expectations of all market participants by looking at the chart ;)

Maybe I'm wrong, but if you look at the watch and then at M5, my view is that there are no big players in the market, so to speak: the "little fuzzy" is driving the price up, i.e. the price is standing still.

What is most likely needed is an adequate rollback.
It is more likely that an adequate pullback is needed.
It is so, but just yesterday I noticed that many PAMMs have turned their equity southwards. The thing is, the market usually works like that, but during the last couple of months it has been going almost without a reversal, and any contrend forecasting is fraught with big problems, imho
That's true, but just yesterday I noticed that many PAMMs turned their equity southwards. The thing is, the market usually works that way, but in the last couple of months there have been exclusively no-trend moves, and any contrend forecasting is fraught with big problems, imho
Not exactly so (about the no-return movements). The important thing is to know where to get the pullbacks and how much.)

Checked on the history(advisor) that the pivot levels are quite good reversal levels..combined with fast and slow oscillators turns out a good TS..according to the TS so far we are above the daily pivot level / 3-day pivot level / weekly pivot level / H1 above 24 EMA shift 1.

According to my TS the price is in the buy zone with a stop below the daily pivot level.

And, judging from your screen, it has become a good tradition for prices to go just below the daily pivot before going upwards ;)

European leaders have reached an agreement on a €159bn second bailout package for Greece, persuading Greek bondholders to participate in financing the country.

109bn euros will be provided by eurozone countries and the International Monetary Fund, while the remaining 50bn will come from the private sector in a voluntary restructuring of Greek debt and a series of Greek bond buybacks. Investors will be offered a choice of four groups of securities: three of which will be collateralised and have a AAA rating and a maturity of 30 years, while the fourth, with a maturity of 15 years, will be partially collateralised.

Interest rates on loans to Greece, as well as Ireland and Portugal, would be lowered to 3.5% from the current 4.5-5.8%, and terms would be lengthened to at least 15 years from the current 7.5 years.

The European Financial Stability Facility (EFSF), with 440 billion euros, will be authorised to buy the debt of troubled borrowers. In addition, the rescue fund may now help troubled banks (stress tests showed that 24 out of 90 eurozone banks are in trouble) and open credit lines for states that are losing investor confidence (similar to a mechanism operating within the IMF). In addition, the funds will be able to be used to restore the capitalisation of financial institutions through loans to governments.

In general, it should be noted that European politicians have tried to come to a compromise to support Greece and prevent the debt crisis from spreading further.

UniCredit analysts believe that the measures taken by EU leaders create the best possible conditions for Greece and other peripheral eurozone countries. Experts stress, however, that the market will continue to factor in the likelihood that these steps will still fail to stop the crisis infecting other countries in the region.


Can the highlighted white line be called a divorce?

Looks like a sale to me :)


I think it's a sell :)

I myself stand in the sale, but ...

There is an opinion that we can still go up to 1.4550 (red line in the picture).