FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Episode 5: July 2011) - page 174

By the way, the congressional meeting is not tomorrow but August 2nd.
The US is due to pay its bonds on August 2nd, if I am not mistaken. And everyone is talking about that date because there is no money. The vote will be tomorrow because the issue has to be decided by the 2nd.

Can you tell me how to make trading automatic?

The US is due to pay off its bonds on August 2nd, if I am not mistaken. And everyone is talking about that date because there is no money. The vote will be tomorrow because the issue has to be resolved by the 2nd.

The first payment on the bonds is due on August 15th if Moody's miss and S&P downgrades them to default for the first time in a hundred years. The vote is tomorrow (already 79 times), the limit has been raised 78 times before and I think they will raise it this time too.

The first payment on the bonds is due on 15 August if Moody's misses and S&P downgrades them to default for the first time in a century. The vote is tomorrow (already 79 times), the limit has been raised 78 times before and I think they will raise it this time too.

The USA will not be in debt distress for long...

During the last week Bernanke's comments on additional stimulus and the sovereign debt crisis in Europe have drawn all attention, making the US sovereign debt problem go unnoticed for a while. However, as August 2nd approaches, the rating agencies are rubbing their hands together in anticipation of the greatest event of recent years - a downgrade of the highest rating level due to exceeding the "ceiling" on government debt. Already two of the top rating agencies have warned that if the ceiling is not raised in the next two weeks, the USA will lose its AAA rating. We understand that a downgrade could have a disastrous effect on the dollar which cannot but worry the Chinese authorities who are the biggest creditors of the USA. That is why the PRC has already issued a call for action. Let's see how the US authorities react. Unfortunately, Republicans and Democrats can't reach a consensus, and meanwhile the deadline is getting tighter.....

What will happen if the debt ceiling is not moved? The US has always had a AAA rating and this is the main reason why the dollar has always been perceived as a safe haven currency. Investors just knew; no matter what happens in the world, American treasuries are the safest investment because the states have never been seen to default. If AAA were to go away, investors would begin to question the safety of US GKOs and some (China for example) might reduce their holdings, leading to higher bond yields. At the current rate of recovery, the US authorities and Americans themselves will not be able to bear the burden of higher borrowing costs. Equities will also plunge on worries that rising yields could hurt corporate profits. As you can see, the situation is really tough, and the government simply cannot afford to take that risk. The current direction of monetary policy in itself does nothing to interest investors and a downgrade would destroy the last argument for buying dollars as they would no longer be a safe haven.


Can you tell me how to make my trading automatic?

Auto-automatic trading is the province of professionals.

Automated trading implies automation of trading conditions. This means you first need to have a trading strategy, and then you write everything down on a piece of paper, give it to programmers and then test it on the history . Free ready-made Expert Advisors here

For the present in Sel with 139170(available funds are too small, therefore stops are paltry and I have already moved it to breakeven at +15 points) The yellow circles can be replaced by EMA24, because I have a fetish for circles :))) The main thing in my strategy is that we are under the pivot level. I opened a new trade a little higher...

Thank you.

I also read an article on RBC today that Moody's suggested that the US should remove the debt ceiling limit altogether, like in many countries around the world.

If it were really possible, they would have hidden it until the very last moment and would not have let anyone prepare, so to speak. One does not want to fall in the ass of the crisis :))))


I also read an article on RBC today that Moody's suggested that the US should remove the debt ceiling limit altogether, like in many countries around the world.

If it were really possible, they would have hidden it until the very last moment and would not have let anyone prepare, so to speak. One does not want to fall in the ass of the crisis :))))

Most people trade with a stop-loss at best of 50 points... so which way the price will go is not important... price reversal levels are important... SL and the next trade ...another SL the next trade...respect risk management + strategy = in the news to the side...price includes everything...
Most people trade with a stop-loss of 50 pips at best... so the direction of the price is irrelevant... price reversal levels are important... SL and the next trade ...another SL the next trade...follow risk management + strategy= in the news to the side...price includes everything...

I'm not talking about you and me, I'm talking about the big players(banks, states, etc.). Either they already know how it will end or they have already hedged in some hedge funds.

If the U.S. is to blame for the crisis, China will be in the crapper... Then yes, it will be.


The interbank in the US is "dead" and the Fed's money is offshore?

It means that the Fed's money has been bluntly withdrawn in its entirety from the USA and stored in "dollars" outside the USA. If it is true (of course there are doubts that it is true, but nevertheless) - then QE2 is nothing but preparation for default on US government bonds and this preparation began in advance and the Fed is a direct participant in the process. We'll see of course, but if the default is announced - then we can say with some certainty that the decision to default was made in advance and all the current games of the Republicans and Democrats is nothing but a brazen show.


Is that why they're taking the quid out of the country? So the Bolsheviks don't take it away...

euro/lb two trends, the channel is 100 pips buy! (who said nonsense?!!)