Trading by energy levels - page 15

How's that going?

Thanks for picking up the topic, I somehow missed it, all the world bookmarks, and here on the side of such a frolic from the author.

A man is not a writer - a man is a reader, and here are the turkeys.


As far as I understand the system is fully reversal ? the yellow lines are up, so we go in for a sell if down, then for a buy - buy on yellow ones or the first signal from them



The system is fully reversal entry If the rays are pointing down then trade upwards, if upwards, then downwards - entry at yellow levels, or at the same place, but only the first entry

Before opening an order or a forecast, apply the script

The script -

What do you think the author has to say about losing trends ? - he supposedly has been testing his system for a year


A fully reversible dolly system

Do you know at least one non-turn system?

Nets and the like are not an option :)


Do you know at least one that isn't a spread?

Nets and the like are not an option :)

Also strange that the article does not leave more comments here, and does not respond to personal messages ( or so it is with me )

Perhaps either burned, or just do not have enough time - although in other threads wrote, unlikely who has something to hide


What's odd is that the article doesn't post more comments and doesn't reply to personal messages (or maybe it's just me)

He may have burned himself or just don't have enough time, although he writes in other threads, and it's unlikely he'll hide anything.

... Either it is not interesting or it is not provided for by the article :)
... Either - not interested; or, not provided for by the article :)

His comments, and expectations for market movements coincide with his script readings - if you watch the last month's comments + I only watch the 4th sign as on the 5th sign the lines are generally sharp

His comments and expectations for market moves coincide with his script readings - if you look at last month's comments + I only look at the 4th sign as the lines are sharp on the 5th sign.

I wondered deeply: why should my comments differ from my script's readings? I don't see a single reason.

Off-topic: imho, you missed the main point. The tactic is a reversal, but not a reversal. First to close the position, then to open a counter position.

Я вот глубоко задумался: почему мои комментарии должны отличаться от показаний моего скрипта? Ни единой причины не вижу. 
Artifact shortening ))