The market is a controlled dynamic system. - page 418

Алексей Тарабанов:

What signals?

Any signals.
Boris Gulikov:

A kind person pointed out that the author does not suffer from a variety of nicknames.

And as it turned out, neither does he have much variety in his results.

A bad result is also a result.

Stability is a sign of skill.

Trite but true.

Maybe we should set some realistic goals?

Without the zhakh and with stops ?

Is it necessary to invent more and more nicknames? Why? Is it really necessary to "diversity" nicknames? Such nonsense...
On the contrary, the "diversity" of nicknames rather indicates mental instability or even split personality.
Incidentally, I know many healthy members who for over a decade have not suffered from an illness which requires a "diversity" of nicknames.
And this "good man" who suggested it cures his sufferings by diversifying his nicknames?


No losses so far. But nothing bad has happened. Now I am busy getting out of the drawdown.

The experiment continues.

Олег avtomat:

Do we have to keep inventing new nicknames??? Why?? Do we need a "variety" of nicknames???

It hasn't worked out so far. But it's no big deal. I'm busy getting out of the drawdown now.

The experiment continues.

What is this nonsense about nicknames? )))

Usually one publishes a link to one's own account, not the overall rating, that's one. Why would anyone go through the rankings looking for your score?

And if they promise a daily review, they do it. That's two.

But enough with the lyrics.

So there's hope for a hundredfold increase in deposit, even after it's been reduced tenfold?

And this post may be considered the first daily review of trading results? )))

Why are you promising something you have no intention of doing?

On the fifth day of the experiment you only wrote that there's a trade going on...

I don't really care about your experiments after I've seen the results of trading on previous accounts.

Unfortunately, I didn't expect anything else from you.

Because on Monday-Tuesday I didn`t know that you weren`t planning to make any reviews or answer the questions, I thought I`d see the link to a proper Profitmaker-style monitoring and acceleration, for example.

Frankly, from my point of view it is quite ridiculous to participate in zhakh contests for teenagers, arranged on the demo, but if one gets a thrill out of it, then why not (all adults are children at heart).

I wish you restore the account and try to be more serious about your promises!

And I wouldn't write about my participation in such contests in the future if I were you. I expected from you (the thread is still conducted from 11-th year) some results and EVERY PUBLIC REPORTS, while those who have long followed this thread, only sneered.

Why do you need this masochism?

Ok, good luck! All the best!

You and I have different goals and objectives, but I understand yours and you don't understand mine.

I inserted the linkto my account, not to the overall rating. But it ended up with a cropped link -- only to the overall rating.

(you can do a similar experiment and see for yourself)

No one is obliging that "someone has to dig through the rankings". If you don't want to, you don't have to.
Олег avtomat:

I inserted the linkto my account, not to the overall rating. But it ended up with a cropped link -- only to the overall rating.

(you can do a similar experiment and see for yourself)

No one is obliged that "someone has to dig through the rankings". If you don't want to, you don't have to.

Why are you getting so shy?

Here. What's so hard about giving your score?


And the weekly report as well. It's more reliable. You don't have to look for people.


Uladzimir Izerski:

Why have you become so shy?

Here. Why can't you give me your bill?

And the weekly report too. It's more reliable. You don't have to go looking for people.

Not again?

How come the bills don't even last a week?

Vitaly Muzichenko:

What, again?

How come bills don't live for a week?

they do. they just go into the complex plane :-)

PS/ even hurt for the author. efforts should be more rewarding.

Maxim Kuznetsov:

live. just go into the complex plane :-)

PS/ it even hurts for the author. effort should be more rewarding.

Since 2009 the effort!

As long as there are no stops instead of stoppages, there will be no reward.

When Friday is over, we'll take stock of the first week. And also adjust the settings based on the current state.