The market is a controlled dynamic system. - page 410

Renat Akhtyamov:


it's a thank you.


it's a concern for your health.

Олег avtomat:

is a concern for your health.


show me the test stand. what's the noise?

I do it the way I think it should be done. And if someone thinks it should be done differently, then let them doyour experiment.
Renat Akhtyamov:


Can you show me a test stream. What's the noise?

Tester? No, I won't show it, because I don't run it in the tester. And the tester doesn't run multiple TFs at once.

Олег avtomat:

About the next trend is too much.

You have to control the current state, which of course is a consequence of the previous state.

Nothing is too much - the next trend starts directly from within the current trend (from the moment it begins to reverse),

for some time is as if in a "latent" state, then it "appears" and is confirmed at the moment of its visualization

(or a bit earlier) as the next current and working trend, it is supported by corresponding work orders, and the above sequence of actions repeats.

The whole process (in manual mode) from the beginning to the next reversal and

the next continuation, interruption or end is clearly worked out by using the slightly modified

Zigzag, the F9 key and is accompanied by the standard income report.


Nothing too much - the next trend starts directly from within the current trend (from the moment it begins to reverse),

for some time seems to be in a "latent" state, then it "appears" and is confirmed at the moment of its visualization

(or a bit earlier) as the next current and working trend, it is supported by corresponding work orders, and the above sequence of actions repeats.

The whole process (in manual mode) from the beginning to the next reversal and

the next continuation, interruption or end is clearly worked out by using the slightly modified

Zigzag, the key F9 and is accompanied by a standard report of the income.

We have a different understanding of the term 'trend'.

He didn't give a definition, why don't you?
Алексей Тарабанов:
He didn't give a definition, maybe - you will?

A common understanding of the trend in experimental techniques:



count how many zigzags he can build here, and call them trends.

Олег avtomat:

A common understanding of the trend in experimental techniques:



count how many zigzags he can build here, and call them trends.

The 3rd degree polynomial was enough here, but what if the 5th degree is needed?

Алексей Тарабанов:

The 3rd degree polynomial was enough here, but what if the 5th degree is needed?

This is just an illustrative example. Polynomials are not used here at all.

There can be a huge number of experimental points. The task is to identify their overall movement. This will be the trend.

By defining a trend, we can describe the experimental data as an additive mixture of a trend and a random component: X(t) = trend(t) + noise(t)