The market is a controlled dynamic system. - page 313





Why the planet's pipes are on fire.

A very useful article that lays out many of the hidden mechanisms, causes and effects.

Почему у планеты трубы горят. Расширенная версия
Почему у планеты трубы горят. Расширенная версия
Источник: Обвал нефтяных цен в 2014 году поставил энергорынок на инвестиционную паузу (заморозил капиталоемкие проекты). Санкции США всего лишь легализовали «визовый режим» между ресурсным и финансовым сектором мировой экономики. Сегодня деньги, запертые на фондовом рынке, пузырятся, разгоняют внутреннюю капитализацию и...

The German chancellor's election ison 24 September.On Monday,25 September, the market may open with a significant gap.

I expect EURUSD to move downwards. Therefore, I opened a small sell order on Friday evening as an experiment:


On Friday night I opened with a small NZDUSD buy order:


Therefore, it is assumed that EUR vs USD is falling, while NZD vs USD is rising. The pair EURNZD will go down. These are my assumptions.


I've had the idea of making a separator for a long time, and with that in mind, I'm ripe to put the idea into metal ;)

or in general



For the particular situation in question, the separator looks like this :



The assumption of a gap in the euR was correct and the move is going down


But the NZD is not so clear. Initially, there was a downward spike, but now there is an upward recovery. The situation is ambiguous.


So it is with the EURNZD.



A 3-month experiment

Thecomposite trade quality indicator will be determined by taking into account the assigned weighting factors


Deposit = $10000

start 02.10.2017


Objective: to maximize profit

Restrictions: equity drawdown < 20%


Experiment. Week No. 1.




Experiment. Week 2.



The drawdown margin is exceeded.

According to the experiment, the drawdown should be calculated based on the maximum current equity value.

However,monitoring shows the drawdown of the current balance value.

This difference must be considered during the next experiment.

Let us continue the current experiment focusing on the main task - profit maximization.


To follow up on this theme.

start = ~$1