The market is a controlled dynamic system. - page 28

And if you dig in and try to understand what I am doing. It's not about HP, it's about being able to assess the forecast itself rather than praying for it

I've already said my opinion about estimating on such a's not's an illusion...and the real thing will show...

I have already said my opinion on the evaluation on such a is not is an illusion...and the real thing will show...
Spent so much time on you and the end result is an unsubstantiated assertion. Pity.
Spent so much time on you and you end up with an unsubstantiated assertion. Pity.

I've shown it all in funny pictures and hinted at how it can be dealt with....

You actually need this dialogue, not me... I got over it a long time ago and forgot it like a bad dream (drawing turkeys)...

as I wish you would too... that's why I wrote... but I can still say - that at certain sectors all will be good and TS will earn... this is what you have to fear the most... this will be an illusion...


Then one more time.

When forecasting, I highlight the deterministic component (hastily called a trend), which I extrapolate one step ahead. Everything above says nothing, or rather says that it is impossible to predict, because the information about the deterministic component of the quotient is lost.

All my attempts to predict returns have come to nothing.

This means that the method used is no good.

yes or no .... here's a question... I had a good time tonight... but that doesn't mean that awareness is gone... I'll be right back... ....

I am discussing the credibility of the prediction, not its use.
this is complete demagoguery...


I'm not giving in (although that too, of course))) but synergising. // geez... what am I saying...))

"The market is a controlled dynamic system."

That's my point, not to spread myself too thin. Although the sabbath is illiterately written. Or, if politically correct, redundant. Clearly, you'll be dynamic if you're ruled.

Let's agree right away: it is impossible to see the future. One can only hope for the duration (inertia, persistence) of the response from a perturbation. The perturbation itself is outside the system, outside the model.

If you are trying to create a model where this perturbation is predicative, then there is nothing to talk about. Not at all. You're going to the asylum.

One thing that remains is to be able to determine the FACT of the perturbation. Well, then everything is relatively simple: the profit-making model itself (have you not forgotten why you are here?))) in this case boils down to trivial trading gestures.

You look a bit twitchy...



I'm not giving in (although that too, of course))), but rather synergising. // gosh... what am I saying...))

"The market is a controlled dynamic system."

That's just so you don't get all worked up. Although the sabbath is illiterately written. Or, if politically correct, redundant. Clearly, you'll be dynamic if you're ruled.

Let's agree right away: it is impossible to see the future. One can only hope for the duration (inertia, persistence) of the response from a perturbation. The perturbation itself is outside the system, outside the model.

If you are trying to create a model where this perturbation is predicative, then there is nothing to talk about. Not at all. You're going to the asylum.

One thing that remains is to be able to determine the FACT of the perturbation. Well, then - everything is relatively simple: the profit-making model itself (have you not forgotten why you are here?))) in this case boils down to trivial trading gestures.

you're obviously delusional.... Or should I say you are way off topic.....
Into the annals!
pig-saurus, you think you're going to get to the top with this ;)))))))))))))
On random rambling, the best prediction is the current position. This was established by Einstein a hundred years ago.
You can't really argue with Einstein. ;)))))))))