The market is a controlled dynamic system. - page 207


Where did our World come from ? The Creator? Where did the Creator who created our World come from? Who created our Creator? There is no answer. ;) And there can't be.

On the other hand, in terms of systems theory, there are encouraging results towards a solution. So far, these are just the first steps.

The concept of never being born applies ((( - that's all. And we do not see the creator because he also observes created laws. ))))
The notion of never being born applies ((( - that is all. And we do not see the creator because he also observes created laws. ))))

This is not an answer. It is an evasion of the answer.


What is really being asked is the question of the nature of Peace. We are still a long way from solving it. ;)

The branch has descended into faith-disbelief.

Not at all. It's just that sometimes it's good to stop and look around.
I also don't believe in omens or advertising. And I urge you to do the same.

I also don't believe in omens or advertising, but I don't strongly recommend anything to you!
The concept of never being born applies ((( - that's all. And we do not see the creator because he also observes the created laws. ))))

Your "creator" exists in your imagination, the sprouts of which were sown to you by your childhood educators. A desire for the familiar, a trait of your character!

Your "creator" exists in your imagination, the sprouts of which were sown to you by your childhood educators. A desire for the familiar, a trait of your character!
It depends who we're talking about - here I understand we're talking about the Atman, but I can't say anything specific about Agni Yoga (Roerichs) say it's the unself-conscious principle of nature (or whatever you want to call it). And there are a lot of gods, just worlds out of gods ))))). Further about bo me - I practice freedom - and of course I don't believe (trust) anyone.

This is not an answer. It is an evasion of the answer.


What is really being asked is the question of the nature of Peace. We are still a long way from solving it. ;)

You (we) yourself don't know what you want )))). There was a video here that says it is based on a quantum field! - imagine our field A1 and there is another field made of quanta B1 ))))) and their world)))))
It depends on who we are talking about - here I understand we are talking about Atman, I can't say anything specifically about Agni Yoga (Roerichs) write that it is a non-self-conscious principle of nature development (or something like that you can find it yourself). And there are a lot of gods, just worlds out of gods ))))). Further about bo me - I practice freedom - and of course I don't believe (trust) anyone.

And you are right to do so!

The world as a whole - there is no difference for people, we perceive flow of time in quasi-closed system called brain. It is quasi-closed because the amount of information contained in the system itself is much greater than the information flowing in and out of it. In this case "input" and "output" processes of events for memory are themselves different if we imagine the arrow of time as movement of events from future through brain to the past (i.e. "in reference system", connected with brain): at any arbitrary moment future events in relation to it, as a rule, cannot be objectively restored unambiguously by information recorded in memory, whereas past events, as a rule, can. Therefore the justification of time perception by a man as a perception of entropy, i.e. difference of reflection of past and future events in the brain, is quite fair.

Microcosm is another case. For a single elementary particle no entropy exists, it is a purely statistical characteristic. However, even for it, directions in time are unequal. The point is that there is (there is a theorem: if quantum mechanics is true /and no deviation from it has been found yet/, then there is) the so-called CPT-symmetry, i.e. the total symmetry of laws of nature with respect to the combined application of three transformations: the charge conjugation C (in other words, replacement of particle by antiparticle), parity P and time reversal T. In other words, if we take a particle and fix the laws it obeys, its antiparticle, reflected in a mirror and shot backward in time, will obey exactly the same laws. For a long time, it was thought that the stronger CP-symmetry holds, but in 1964 it was proved that this invariance can be spontaneously broken (breaking just P was proved even earlier, in 1957, googling "Wu Jianxiong experiment"). This, in turn, means that in such processes the T-symmetry is broken also (otherwise the general CPT would be broken), from which it follows that time directions are unequal even in the microcosm: the future for a microparticle is in general not equivalent to the past.

In no way can the brain be seen as a (quasi-)closed system. On the contrary! The brain is an open system. The brain has a multitude of receptors for communication with the external environment. It is the openness of the system that allows it to adapt to changing environments. It is the openness of the complex system called brain that allows it to define long-range goals and formulate current tasks. The amount of information coming in from the outside cannot be a determining factor in determining the closedness/openness of the system. They are different categories. And time cannot be described in terms of entropy, i.e. statistically in finite time. Such an entropic description is possible for events occurring in space and unfolding in time.

It's not so simple with the microcosm either. There is no 'true' 'elementary particle'. Each so-called "elementary particle" is a system (recall here the wave-particle dualism).

The world is a unified system, which includes in its composition, on different hierarchical levels, the objects of microcosm, objects of macrocosm, and a man with his brain, and communities of people with their brains, in other words - the composition of brains, linked into a system, the elements of which are individuals, - the system is more complex and is already able to formulate goals that are not inherent to its individual element. The world, which encompasses a whole plurality of systems, is necessarily of the highest complexity.

Current knowledge in the field of systems, at this stage already allows us to state that the distinction between the past and the future, the determination of the arrow of time, can be made even by primitive systems, already by virtue of their structural organisation.


And you are doing the right thing!
and I don't listen to advice (but I save all information)))))). (that was the Buddha's slogan - you don't believe me, check your own experience. I read it somewhere))))...)