The market is a controlled dynamic system. - page 108


Did you also know that neither probability theory nor mathematical statistics are suited to describing and studying processes in dynamics?
Well, what kind of nonsense is that? Isn't the study of processes and time series the study of processes in dynamics?))

Did you also know that neither probability theory nor mathematical statistics are suitable for describing and studying processes in dynamics?
You mean the evolution of processes? You mean processes that change over time?
well, what kind of nonsense is that? Isn't the study of processes and time series the study of processes in dynamics?))

It's not the study of processes in dynamics, but fitting crutches -- by necessity.
You mean the evolution of processes? You mean processes that change over time?


It's not the study of processes in dynamics, it's putting crutches on -- by necessity.

time series analysis is not the study of process in dynamics???

Oooooooo...... OK, let's move on.

Let's read up on market management.


imha, in the first post, start by explaining what the process is. Otherwise, everyone understands it differently and therefore there is a misunderstanding. I.e. basic terms and concepts explained on the fingers
imha, in the first post, start by explaining what the process is. Otherwise everyone understands it differently and therefore there is a misunderstanding. I.e. basic terms and concepts explained on the fingers

Yes, apparently, we should start with basic terms and concepts. You have to figure out how to present it all in a better and more compact way. And that's not so easy...

Do you also know that neither probability theory nor mathematical statistics are adapted to describe and study processes in dynamics?

It seems a good time to continue the discussion about the nature of dynamic processes. You stopped at the point where a single process is divided into 3 components, linked by a ratio:

Past (P) + Present (N) + Future (B) = 1 process.

Here you had some comments or a "different approach".

And I, having thought about it, am forced to introduce another function : History (I) and present it as a sum of AND = P+H.

Now: History (I) + Future (B) = Past (P) + Present (N) + Future (B) = 1;

Future (B) = 1 - History (I).

This is why there have been misunderstandings of the concepts of History, Past and Present. Many have confused "History" with "Past". History consists of the Past and the Present.

Functions I, P, H and B are functions of the same class, have the same nature, by mathematical tricks turn one into the other, without breaking the logical sequence of occurrence of each of the phases of a single process at the end of a single time, because they have the same "time constant", embodying and revealing the connection of space and time. Isaac Newton was indeed right when he remarked that without a process there is no time and vice versa.

imha, in the first post, start by explaining what a process is. Otherwise everyone understands it differently and hence the misunderstanding. I.e. explain basic terms and concepts on your fingers

Process - from Latin prōcēssus ' advancement',

Meaning - the course, development, sequence of stages and states of something



Process - from Latin prōcēssus ' advancement',

Meaning - the course, development, sequence of stages and states of something


I agree) then it makes sense to define what kind of processes are taking place in the market, what kind of development objects, interactions, etc. Then move on to their phases.