The market is a controlled dynamic system. - page 104


faa - banned, yosuf - traitor, and me - under the train?


Why do you insult people? Is this really your way of trying to prove yourself?

Why do you insult people? Is this your way of trying to prove yourself?
Who are you insulting?
Who was insulted?

Directly --- Yusuf and faa. Your silly assertion of some "betrayal" speaks first and foremost of your mental faculties, painting sick images in your mind. Indeed, "The sleep of the mind gives birth to monsters"...

One cannot accept that "Truth is born in an argument" without fists, beatings, insults and betrayals. If all pundits around the world had always agreed on only one point of view in everything, where would we be now?
Yusuf, have I offended or insulted you?

Directly --- Yusuf and faa. Your silly assertion of some "betrayal" speaks primarily to your mental faculties, painting sick images in your mind. Indeed, "The sleep of the mind gives birth to monsters"...

So how do you know I insulted Yusuf?

I wrote about faa being banned - how is that an insult?


So how do you know I insulted Yusuf?

I wrote about faa being banned - how is that an insult?

You have no business being here. Go to the smoke room.

You have no business being here. Go back to the john.

Yeah, yeah, I'm off. The most important thing is that you understand that no one has insulted anyone, and you're being silly again.

P.S. Judging by your posts, there's nothing for anyone to do here.


Yeah, yeah, I'm off. The most important thing you understood is that no one was insulting anyone, and you're being silly again.

P.S. Judging by your posts, there's nothing for anyone to do here

And you are a real provocateur. I'll keep an eye on you for a while.

You're quite a provocateur, aren't you? I'll keep an eye on you for a while.

I don't need to be followed, I need to be banned - ban me!