The market is a controlled dynamic system. - page 49


5th point.



Determine the relative yield relative to the beginning of the month. Plot the point on the graph.




Your last update date was on 19 February this year. The drawdown at that time was about 44%. Do these facts mean that the account is now safely drained?
The experiment is ongoing. Time frame = 1 year. The aims and objectives have been stated earlier.

Thanks for the kind word :)

Yes, that's right. But work is ongoing to identify flaws and improve the algorithm.

1. The situation with longs and shorts is already equalized and is gradually improving. The complexity of conjugation of signals of different TFs has an effect here.

The absence of loss-making trades was initially included in the TS as a necessary condition. But here again we face the problem of conjugation of signals of different TFs - hence the overlapping. At the moment, in particular, the drawdown is rather large, but not critical - I expect exit to the main line in the nearest future ;).


And here is how this pairing looks like

Very good indicators,I have similar to your indicators,no repainting.


Very good indicators,I have similar to your indicators,no repainting.

At this stage in the development of the model -- additional stabilisation has been introduced:


The experiment is ongoing. Time frame = 1 year. The aims and objectives have been stated earlier.
I understand this means an affirmative answer to my question. I hope the next experiments will be more successful. Still, such high risks do not allow to evaluate robustness of the system in the long run.
As I understand it, this means an affirmative answer to my question. I hope the next experiments will be more successful. Still, such high risks do not allow evaluating the robustness of the system in the long run.

On the contrary, the answer to your question is negative.

And it is too early to draw conclusions. Especially whether it is successful or unsuccessful depends on the meaning behind it ;)

And the prohibition on losses is removed - that's what's really unsuccessful so far.

Let's move on ;)


On the contrary, the answer to your question is negative.

And it's too early to draw conclusions. Especially if it is successful or unsuccessful - it depends on the meaning behind it ;)

And the prohibition on losses is removed - that's what's really unsuccessful so far.

Let's keep working ;)

Where can I see your indicators?
I have a lot of them and a variety of them. And the last ones are in the picture above.

On the contrary, the answer to your question is negative.

Then why has account monitoring been suspended?