The market is a controlled dynamic system. - page 376




Yeah, I think so too - and I still don't put SL or TP. Exit from the trade - according to the algorithm. But all the same - there is a painful question "Maybe I am working without a stop loss for nothing? Such an ambiguous question...

Chelyabinsk traders use margin call as a stop loss).

Олег avtomat:

This is another problem. Solving this problem will allow you to get close to solving the break-even problem.

"Breakeven" is also a slippery concept. It is more accurate to talk about the profitability of forex transactions under different conditions.

Aleksey Nikolayev:

Rugged Chelyabinsk traders use a margin call as a stop loss)

I am Chelyabinsk tough too :-)

It's actually very sensible...not to keep money in a trading account for more than a couple of weeks.


"Breakeven" is also a slippery concept. It is more accurate to talk about the profitability of forex transactions under different conditions.

I agree. But there is no suitable term, and one has to define it somehow.

Олег avtomat:

I agree. But there is no suitable term, and we have to define it somehow.

There is a term, but for some reason there is no "definition" (yet)...


There is a term, but there is no "definition" (yet)...

And what is the term? Sound it out.

(I hope it's not a zigzag? ;)))

Олег avtomat:

And what is the term?

The same "breakeven" - the word - the term is in circulation, but the definition (by which it can be calculated) is not!

(zigzag is a swear word!)
Aleksey Nikolayev:

Rugged Chelyabinsk traders use margin call as a stop loss)

Thank goodness demotivators are not used as proof of theorems yet ;)))


The same 'break-even' - the word - the term in circulation is there, but the definition (by which it can be calculated) is not!

Well, that's what you're saying: slippery:


"Breakeven" is also a slippery concept. It's more correct to talk about the profitability of forex operations under different conditions.

I thought you had a non-slippery one.