The market is a controlled dynamic system. - page 323

Uladzimir Izerski:
Is the week-long demo contest still going strong? The tempo was really high.

I loaded it too much... I got knocked out on the slightest pullback. It's worth fixing a separate TS for this contest.

Олег avtomat:

You're turning things upside down again... either you don't understand or you're deliberately making a fool of yourself...

I think I should just ignore your remarks from now on.

Why ignore it? I really want to understand.

I do not want to ignore it, I don't want to ruin it for real, you said yourself (about the lack of sense in withdrawing/refilling money from the demo), then what is it for? - I have to ask, I do not know what the purpose of withdrawal/replenishment is. I don't know why I should trade with Kohonenberg.

or even with 10-fold daily gain, the chances are not so high that the next 10 days won't be out of the money?

Oleg, would you be so kind as to explain, I have been trying, for several years now, to grasp the innermost wisdom of your work.



Week No. 4.weekly gain of+136%



Олег avtomat:


Week 4.Gain for the week+136%.

The third wave is on. All according to the classics).

The result is good, nothing to add. We will keep watching.

Uladzimir Izerski:

The third wave is on. It's all classic).

The result is good, nothing to add. Let's keep watching.

;) but how many does the "classic" postulate? 3? 5? 7? 9? ... How many?

Олег avtomat:

;) but how many do the "classics" postulate? 3? 5? 7? 9? ... How many?

There is always a third. It's sort of an axiom. And then there can be as many as you like. I'm not a fan of Elliot waves. I've developed my own wave theory.






EURUSD -- market close on Friday 27 April 2018


Will the eu follow the indicated path DOWN? -- an important question.

Will the market open in a gap on Monday? -- That's an interesting question.

We are waiting for answers from the market.