The market is a controlled dynamic system. - page 271


It is not all so straightforward and easy. The main difficulty is that we have, firstly, a problem with loose ends, and secondly, we have essentially an inverse problem of optimal control. It is well known that the complexity of solving an inverse problem always exceeds the complexity of solving a direct problem -- so to speak, complexity squared, since already direct optimal control problems are complex problems. However, with some assumptions one may use the well-known methods of optimal control, such asBellman'sdynamic programmingand Pontryagin's maximum principle.

The road is travelled.

To solve Bellman or Pontryagin problems. It is necessary to have a reference control path a priori.... that is why practical implementation of these methods faces insurmountable difficulties. In simple terms, if we know the control trajectory (how the exchange rate will move), then everything comes down to keeping track of the deviation errors of our system from it. In aviation it is very well known, those who design SAU

P.S. Pay attention to Letov-Kalman synthesis method


To solve Bellman or Pontryagin problems. It is necessary to have a priori a reference control trajectory.... which is why the practical implementation of these methods encounters insurmountable difficulties. In simple terms, if we know the reference trajectory (how the exchange rate will move), then everything comes down to keeping track of the deviation errors of our system from it. In aviation, those who design SAU know this very well

Note the Lethow-Calman synthesis method

The search or synthesis of such a reference trajectory occurs in one way or another in any case.

Already Archimedes realised its necessity:"Give me a fulcrum and I will turn the Earth".


Here are a couple of quotations relating to the synthesis of optimal systems, and giving an insight into the problem :





But it must be remembered that Krasovsky's method is only applicable to stable objects. And this significantly narrows the scope of its applicability.


At the moment, there is no single method for solving optimal control problems that is suitable for all cases of life.

But this does not mean that existing methods are unsuitable for solving specific problems. A particular task has its own limitations, which in turn is a significant factor in choosing a method for its solution. All in all, it is not so bad, because gods do not burn pots ;))



However, this does not mean that existing methods are not suitable for solving specific problems. A particular problem has its own limitations, which in turn is a significant factor when choosing a method to solve it. All in all it is not so bad, after all not Gods burns pots ;))

Pay attention to the statement "... The Lethow-Kalman equations are not applicable to third-order nonlinear objects...".

Let me translate it into simple language with sufficient accuracy for practice, it is possible to solve it to the third order, i.e. the first and second derivatives..... and with sufficient accuracy for practice - nobody needs to know the movement of currency quotes with an accuracy to a hundredth of a tick, it is enough to a tick )))

It can be solved, go for it ))))


Pay attention to the statement "... The Lethow-Kalman equations are not applicable to third-order nonlinear objects...".

Let me translate into simple language with sufficient precision for practice, it is possible to solve this to the third order, i.e. first and second derivatives..... and sufficient precision for practice - no one needs to know the movement of currency quotes to the nearest hundredth of a tick, up to a tick is sufficient ))))

It can be solved, go for it ))))

You have to first find the equation of the price trajectory to control it, although I doubt the price can be controlled. That would be like trying to steer the car in front of you without any levers to steer it.

Note the statement "... Letov-Kalman is inapplicable to non-linear objects of the third order... "

I will translate it into simple language with sufficient accuracy for practice, you can solve it up to the third order, i.e. first and second derivatives..... and with sufficient accuracy for practice - nobody needs to know the movement of currency quotes with accuracy to a hundredth of a tick, enough to a tick )))


You can solve it, go ahead ))

) And here I do not agree with you. It has nothing to do with ticks. Considering large TFs we deal with movement that contains both slow and fast components (small parameter in the higher derivative). One may give up on it and "ignore" them - but it will inevitably lead to a lag in the model response and a decrease in the accuracy of reproduction. So again we come to the question of model accuracy. And this is not a matter of "
hundredths of a tick", but of large TFs - month, week, day.
You first have to find the equation of the trajectory of the price in order to control it, although I doubt it would be possible to control the price. That would be like trying to steer the car in front of you without any steering levers.

Yusuf, I'll say it again: It's not about controlling the price.

In the words of your analogy with the car ahead of you, the problem is formulated as follows: from the trajectory of the car ahead of you, you must determine the actions of its driver - where he presses the accelerator and where he presses the brake pedal, where he turns the wheel to the left and where he turns it to the right.


Yusuf, I'll say it again: it's not about price management.

In the words of your analogy with the car in front of you, the problem is formulated as follows: you have to determine the driver's actions by the trajectory of the car in front of him - where he presses the accelerator pedal and where he presses the brake pedal, where he turns the steering wheel to the left and where he turns it to the right.

Look to the right - forest, look to the left - forest again.

look at the price going down, now look up )))) ...

i do not understand what is the point here?

And the point is to get into a rut.
You first have to find the equation of the price trajectory in order to control it, although I doubt the price could be controlled. That would be like trying to steer the car in front of you without the levers to steer it.

It is not the price that is controlled, it is the account that is controlled (buy/sell).