The market is a controlled dynamic system. - page 265


I have a lot to compare it to. For example, I lived in the USSR, in Yeltsin's Russia, and now in Putin's Russia. I was in North Korea for three days, an experience to last a lifetime. I recommend visiting it if possible, to get rid of "leaderdom/Stalinism" from your head forever.

You can go without any problems with a tourist pass. I only went there for three days, but it was enough for me.

The temperature was -10C at the time (they rarely have that). There is no heating in the five-storey buildings, all the water pipes are unfrozen. People go to work in columns. Everyone is dressed identically. The rare cars, including trucks, are jump-started. There are four plainclothes policemen on every tour bus. Life is strictly card-based, you can't buy anything for the "stink". There is nothing alive but people around, everything has been eaten. The only pig I've seen is herded by two people. They keep dogs for meat and before slaughtering, they hang a dog by the neck and beat it with sticks while it is still alive to make the meat softer. I've seen it myself, it's shocking.

Our guy at the Kim Il Sung museum accidentally bumped the floor clock in his office with his shoulder. It only wobbled. He was immediately arrested and locked up for 3 days. He was released only after the intercession of our consul. The cult of personality of the leaders is absolute, the Great Leader is everywhere with binoculars in his hands, giant gilded statues of the leader are 20 meters in height. If you ask a local who his parents are, the answer is the same: "We are all Kim Il Sung's children. The restaurant served meat roasted right in front of you on a heated cobblestone. It was delicious, with sauce. When they told us it was dog meat, some people at the table felt sick.

Everyone returned to the ship quiet and thoughtful. With one thought: how good it is in Russia. While in neutral waters we could not relax.


OK, let's not get ahead of ourselves, but one question: what's the profit for the USA if Russia falls apart? They are very pragmatic people, they won't do anything "just like that". (No need to assess, as you like to do, the "reasonableness/ stupidity" of the question and start demagoguery, I don't care much about your assessment, just answer it.)

If you knew, you wouldn't be talking all this nonsense... Dog meat is their custom. Other people eat spiders. Others have snakes. But the french love frogs -- have you ever had a frog from a "normal" country?


The answer to your question is simple and obvious. The aspirations of the US -- power, hegemony, ownership of resources. All their actions are aimed at achieving these goals.


If you knew, you wouldn't be talking this nonsense... Dog meat is their custom. Other people eat spiders. Others have snakes. But the french love frogs -- have you tried a frog from a "normal" country?


The answer to your question is simple and obvious. The aspiration of the US is power, hegemony, ownership of resources. All their actions are aimed at achieving these goals.

Slogans, again slogans from the memo of the builder of communism, but okay.

I tried the frog, that's not the point, I was just sharing a memory about the normality of countries. Many of the new generation here sing of Stalin and the Soviet Union, without ever having lived there themselves. Dreaming of setting up something like North Korea here. State propaganda is already praising that country, while the United States and other Western (but okay) countries are being lambasted for not having ever been there. Photo therapy is a very common method. Of course, you can see better from the best swamp in the world, who would argue.

Many things I saw in three days, long to write that I remembered at a glance. There is also South Korea nearby, the same people, but life is very different. Because they got rid of ideological nonsense and built a normal system.

In every branch...

Slogans, again slogans from the memo of the builder of communism, but come on.

No, they are not slogans, they are real facts. Take a look at a map of the world, see where the military bases of various countries of the world are located, their zones of reach and influence. And think, WHY? Maybe you'll understand...


But I repeat -- enough of this propaganda.


Slogans, again slogans from the memo of the builder of communism, but come on.


You need a psychologist. But start with some other forum. You have no business being here. You have chronic sniveling, whining and denying the obvious. That's disgusting. ))


No, these are not slogans, but the very real facts. Take a look at the world map, look at where the military bases of various countries in the world are located, their zones of reach and influence. And think, WHY? Maybe you'll understand...


But I repeat -- enough propaganda here.

For the same thing, there are plenty of police stations in the big city. The US is the world's policeman. Unfortunately, maniacs like Hussein, Putin etc. understand only force, it is difficult (often impossible) to influence violators of international laws and rules economically.


For the same thing, there are plenty of police stations in the big city. The US is the world's policeman. Unfortunately, maniacs like Hussein, Putin etc. understand only force, it is difficult (often impossible) to influence violators of international laws and regulations economically.

You, like a parrot, repeat nonsense. Just like Psaki.


But I repeat -- stop with the propaganda here.

I support the author of this thread. I hope no one has any desire to turn a thread into a smoking room with all that entails.
I support the author of this thread. I hope no one has any desire to turn a thread into a smoking room, with all that entails.

There is. But the highlighting stops them from doing so.

I do. But the highlighted stops me.

That's good, because a good thread is being spoiled by unconscious elements