The market is a controlled dynamic system. - page 205


You sound just like a fish in a fishbowl. There is no master, and food and light appear according to their natural physical laws.

Everything is natural, the self-sufficient survive and give continuation to the species and the weak fall prey to the stronger!

All natural, the self-sufficient survive and give continuation to the species, and the weak fall prey to the stronger!

Tell that to the dinosaurs. I remember there were some strong, self-sufficient ones. They trampled the whole planet.

Tell that to the dinosaurs. I remember there were some strong, self-satisfied ones. They trampled the whole planet.

There's always a reason for everything! The extinction of the dinosaurs is due to climatic and cosmic cataclysms and subsequent icing. As a consequence, however self-sufficient they may have been, their enormous body mass did not have enough food in the advent of the Ice Age, nor did they have enough time to transform into a smaller size. And egg-laying, which could not withstand the harsh climate, was not in their favour either. It did, however, stimulate the development of warm-blooded mammals.

I advise you not to listen to illiterate fraudulent preachers, but to educate yourself, if you want to know, and not to take for granted the fabrications of all kinds of rogues! Pardon my frankness!


I advise you not to listen to illiterate fraudulent preachers, but to educate yourself, if you want to know, and not to take for granted the fabrications of all kinds of rogues! Pardon my frankness!

That's why I don't believe you, and forgive me for not trusting you either.)

...a system by its very nature. And there is no creator! Mass, energy and all the constituent elements of nature evolve according to their natural physical laws, no matter how supernatural they may seem to some!

But can't "physical laws" be the creator?)) Basic law or prime cause or something like that. Not a bad kind of law that ensures the self-organisation of matter and energy down to microparticles, macro-objects, humans, society, etc. It is quite possible that it is more complex than our consciousness. Man is unaware of these laws and the purpose of this self-organisation. So it is naive to reduce everything to a set of primitive formulas.
That's why I don't really believe you, sorry for not trusting you either ))

Your right not to believe in science and natural science! I'm not imposing on you as a mentor and you corrected me incorrectly! Stay with your delusions!

Where did our World come from? The Creator? Where did the Creator who created our World come from? Who created our Creator? There is no answer. ;) And there can't be.

On the other hand, in terms of systems theory, there are encouraging results towards a solution. So far, these are just the first steps.


Where did our World come from? The Creator? Where did the Creator who created our World come from? Who created our Creator? There is no answer. ;) And there can't be.

On the other hand, in terms of systems theory, there are encouraging results towards a solution. So far, these are just the first steps.

Glad to have a sober outlook on the universe!

I am glad to have a sober outlook on creation!

I remember well, -- I was 8--9 years old, summertime, dacha, stars, and those questions, which occupied me very much then... ;)

More than forty years have passed since then, and there is still no answer. I see these questions differently now, of course. The outlook has changed, positions have changed. And there is a desire to find answers.

Many things are not understandable to us, not because our concepts are weak; but because these things arenot inthe circle of our concepts.