The market is a controlled dynamic system. - page 204


Come on, Slava, I just fantasized and tried to suggest that all this is not subjective, but objective reality.

The collapse of the wave function in quantum mechanics, according to Copenhagen interpolation, has long been recognised as an objective reality (within this model of the world).

Understood then :)

tol64, the film is entertaining, but they are exaggerating for the sake of a red word)) What follows from the uncertainty principle and experiments is not that consciousness affects the experiment, but observation. Even if it is conducted by an automaton with no consciousness at all. Therefore all these conclusions that consciousness generates reality and it does not exist without it is so far a fantasy of few physicists.


I see then :)

tol64, the film is entertaining, but they are exaggerating for the sake of a red word)) What follows from the uncertainty principle and experiments is not that consciousness affects the experiment, but observation. Even if it is conducted by an automaton with no consciousness at all. So all these conclusions that consciousness generates reality and it does not exist without it is so far little fantasized by physicists.

In the consciousness-reality system, consciousness can never test its influence on reality. You have to go outside this system to do so.


tol64, the film is entertaining, but they are exaggerating for the sake of a red word)) What follows from the uncertainty principle and experiments is not that consciousness affects the experiment, but observation. Even if it is conducted by an automaton with no consciousness at all. So all these conclusions that consciousness generates reality and it does not exist without it are so far little fantasized by physicists.

Here is another video:


Somewhere I met an explanation/assumption (?) (could not find where now) that this experiment was influenced by the device that was observed. ))

P.S. Found it. ) Looked it up and didn't understand how it works (explanation at the very end of the video). :)


So, it's not the presence of the detector, but the information about the particle that affects it. It's not clear yet how it could be. )) Until there's an adequate explanation, I'll assume it's false/false. )))

In the consciousness-reality system, consciousness can never test its influence on reality. For that, one has to go beyond that system.

Those who have gone beyond will no longer tell anyone anything, all that remains is fantasy.

It is really very interesting why science, with only one of many maps in hand, tries to pass it off as territory and denies the existence of the others.


Those who have gone beyond will no longer tell anyone anything, all that remains is fantasy.

It really is very interesting why science, with only one of the many cards in hand, tries to pass it off as territory and denies the existence of the others.

That is why I believe that, every individual is immortal. No one is able to convey the fact of my death to me. I used to think why the Almighty has not deigned to create an immortal organism? It turns out that, this question is solved in an original way, i.e. - by an unexpected deduction from the system!
It turns out that, this question is solved in an original way, i.e. - by an unexpected conclusion to the system!

The creator in general is a very big original. Without death, the game would never have been so damn exciting, when the realisation comes, life blooms with new colours. There is enormous power in this contrast of "life"- "death".

The world is one because it is itself a system.
The world is one because it itself is a system.

... a system by its very nature. And there is no creator! Mass, energy and all the constituent elements of nature evolve according to their natural physical laws, no matter how supernatural they may seem to some!

...a system by its very nature. And there is no creator! Mass, energy and all the constituent elements of nature evolve according to their natural physical laws, no matter how supernatural they may seem to some!

You're talking like a fish in a fishbowl. There is no master, and food and light appear according to their natural physical laws.

You sound just like a fish in a fishbowl. There is no master, and food and light appear according to their natural physical laws.
This is unnecessary information for them ))). (they keep repeating the same nonsense - the universe emerged from the point of the atom and about the age of the universe... well they are not guessing at all)