The market is a controlled dynamic system. - page 159


Best wishes for success.

Apart from the advertising of the instruments, there is nothing of interest.

At the very least, as compensation for the time wasted, a look at the management of the tractor fleet is desirable.


Apart from the advertising of the instruments, there is nothing of interest.

At the very least, as compensation for the time wasted, it is advisable to look at the management of the tractor fleet.

There's nothing more interesting in this book than an advertisement for appliances! --- Man, that's the most idiotic thing I could think of!

Download book Edited by A. S. Klyuev. Adjustment of automation and automatic control systems: Reference book. Moscow, Energoatomizdat Publishers, 1989.



Book has practical outlook, has many examples.


I checked the links - they are correct.


If only the link has been tampered with. Here's what I saw in the link. And it seems to fit the subject.

so what's the point of this? where did this link come from?


And who would want to replace them?



Maybe I should post a page-by-page here, so there's no nonsense about "spoofing" links by malicious saboteurs...


As I understand it, you are referring to the recovery of the input signal from a known output signal.

And then make a comparison of the reconstructed input signal with the known actual input signal.

Will do. But can no one else do the conversion? I would love to see feedback from the audience.

No, it's not about that. Here's a quote:

"Inthe case of the market, which is by definition an open system, i.e. a system subject to external influences, no linear methods of 'output only' analysis are possible, simply because the output signal depends precisely on an unknown, non-linear input.

Not obvious at all, imho. "

Can you refute the highlighted?

ZS We all fly passenger planes. The pilot makes a landing approach on course and glide path calculated by linear methods. In doing so, the aircraft is exposed to difficult to predict external influences that may force the pilot to override the landing decision.

Ring any bells?


No, that's not what this is about. Here is a quote:

"Inthe case of the market, which by definition is an open system, i.e. a system subject to external influences, no linear "output only" analysis methods are possible, simply because the output signal depends precisely on an unknown, non-linear input.

Not obvious at all, imho. "

Can you refute the highlighted?

Well, first of all, it wasn't about that quote.

From the quote:

The market is indeed an open system subject to external influences. When talking about methods of analysis, i.e. the model adopted for the phenomenon, we must always keep in mind the closeness of the model, in other words, its adequacy to the phenomenon under study.


The market is indeed an open system, subject to external influences. When talking about the methods of analysis, i.e. the model adopted for the phenomenon, we must always bear in mind the proximity of the model, in other words its adequacy to the phenomenon under study.

Isn't it scary to fly a plane?


Checked the links -- they're correct.

So unobtrusively the link went in. Showed you where. All right. Erasing the posts if that was your mistake.
So unobtrusively followed the link and went in. Showed me where. All right. I'll erase the posts if that was your mistake.

There was no mistake on my part -- all the links were correct to begin with.


Has anyone else had such a "switch"?


OK, I'm off to the bikes.

Modern cookers have burner temperature sensors,-if below a set point, Stop Loss. If the wind blows non-linearly.