The market is a controlled dynamic system. - page 92


Haven't you had enough of the smoking room? You're going to shit in here too...?

Delete your posts from here. And be well.

At the moment, you're the one who's shitting in here.

Moderators, please remove the posts of user PapaYozh from this thread.

I do not intend to engage in an altercation with him, responding to his insults, and thereby becoming like this character.



Isn't Tractor-B dead?

Is it all gone too?
In short, apparently mine is right. Statistically, the Edge seems to be there, but it is either killed by the implementation of the strategy, or by the wrong MM.
In short, apparently mine is right. Statistically, the Edge seems to be there, but it is either killed by the implementation of the strategy, or by the wrong MM.

The problem is complex, multidimensional, containing in its composition a whole set of interrelated subtasks. A lot of time and effort has been put into finding a solution to the individual subtasks and assembling them into a single whole. But it was worth it. And from some moment purely academic interest begins to prevail over mercantile considerations ;) There are horizons of interesting research ahead.

In general, I don't think that human relations should be of any importance here... (you can really bicker in the smoking room)

and here the spirit of the idea soars, judging by the work done, not bad... Not all tractors may have gone to the field but they are legion in name, let's not beat on the author, life will show... :-)))


Thank you for your kind words.

Thanks for the kind words. more optimism ! )))))))