The market is a controlled dynamic system. - page 91

It's not hard, really. Much easier than justifying its non-use.

Yeah ;)))) and more pointless...
I'm reading this thread and am increasingly coming to the conclusion that your avatar is quite relevant )
This is not, in fact, surprising. And it applies to the vast majority.
This is not, in fact, surprising. And it applies to the vast majority.

95% however)

Эксперимент продолжается. Впереди четыре месяца работы. В поле сейчас четыре трактора (A,B,L,R). Два из них (A,B) будут работать по более длинным периодам, а два (L,R) по средним и мелким периодам.

By the end of the year, the experiment will be over - let's talk about the final results of the experiment and draw analysis and conclusions.


Isn't Tractor-B dead?



Isn't Tractor-B dead?

In monitoring my experiment, I show the real state of affairs. And I don't hide failures, as many people do.


You fool, get out.


In monitoring my experiment I show the real situation. And I don't hide the failures as many do.


You fool, get out.


There are now four tractors (A,B,L,R) in the field. Two of them (A,B) will run on longer periods

For the "particularly gifted", I repeat the question: "Is TractorB not dead by any chance?"

what do you care...?

I have nothing to talk to you about.

Get out of here. In the smoking room.


what do you care...?

I have nothing to talk to you about.

Get out of here. In the smoking room.

Once again I am convinced of the proverb: "Don't touch the shit, it won't stink".
Once again, I'm convinced of the proverb: "Don't touch the shit, it won't stink."

Haven't you had enough of the smoking room? You're gonna shit in here, too?

Delete your posts from here. And good riddance.