The market is a controlled dynamic system. - page 84

Yes, you have to flip it over.
Yes, you have to flip it over.
I don't really believe you can just roll over without trying to make a convincing case for it.
I don't really believe you can just roll over without trying to make a convincing case for it.
Flipping it is no problem, you can't believe it for nothing...
An anecdote (with a beard, but it comes to mind and seems appropriate):
A man bought a vase in a shop... A couple of hours later he brings it back and puts it upside down in front of the shop assistant. The shop assistant looks at it questioningly.
Chukcha: Where do you want the flowers?
Seller turns the vase upside down...
Chukcha: yikes... so there is no bottom!
avtomat, turn it upside down, and you don't need any justification.
I don't really believe you can just roll over without trying to make a convincing case for it.

What kind of justification are we talking about? Honestly, I don't get it. Explain.

Well, I think I've mended where I need to... The tractor brigade is off to the field - four months of hard work ahead.

Give it up, forex!!!


The paradox of the unexpected execution
There is a goal. There is movement towards the goal. And there are no paradoxes.

What rationale are we talking about? Honestly, I don't understand. Explain.
He thinks that if there is no justification, there is no need for the experiment.
He believes that if there is no justification, there is no need for an experiment.

Oh... Well, then you could say this: The result of the experiment is sufficient justification for the experimentation.